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The three youngest Pandavs were searching for Bheem who was having all the laddoos that were meant for everyone with him. Arjun was trying to find the whereabouts of Bheem and called for Sahadev who ran towards him.

"Where is bhratha Bheem?" asked Sahadev while Bheem was still hiding.

"Only Nakul can answer this question" replied Arjun and called for Nakul.

Nakul sent a dove in search of Bheem which flew back to Nakul and made some noises in response which Nakul understood.

"Sahdev! Bhratha Bheem is behind that rock!" he yelled, pointing at huge rock which was placed uncharacteristically in the middle middle of a clearing.

Both the twins then ran towards Bheem with their plates in their hands and called him just before Bheem was about to eat a laddoo. Bheem looked at them exasperatedly and placed the laddoo back in his plate.

"Come sit" grumbled Bheem.

Nakul and Sahadev grinned and ran towards him, sitting in front of him.

"One for Nakul, one for Sahadev" said Bheem, placing a laddoo each in their plates.

The twins took the laddoos and were about to eat them when Bheem yelled "What are you doing?!" making the twins pause and look at him questioningly.

"Say your prayers first" said Bheem.

The twin boys placed the laddoos back on their plates and started praying while Bheem licked his lips, looking at the laddoos. He quickly took the laddoos on Nakul's and Sahadev's plates and ate them in lightening speed. By the time the twins opened their eyes, they looked confused seeing that their plates were empty. The two of them looked at Bheem who just blinked at them.

"So, are you done eating? Now go. Go and play" said Bheem.

The twins looked at each other and then at Bheem.

"Didn't you just eat? Didn't I give you a laddoo each? Didn't I?" asked Bheem.

"You had, bhratha Bheem. But as we closed our eyes to say our prayer, you devoured our laddoos" replied Sahadev.

"Do you mean to say that I stole your laddoos?" asked Bheem in shock.

"Are you accusing your Jyesth bhratha of stealing? While you eat it so quick as if it were the first time! Aren't you ashamed?" asked Bheem.

Nakul looked at Sahadev and then at Bheem and said "We have just seen them. We never get to eat them."

"It is apt, isn't it? It isn't appropriate for kids to eat laddoos. You'll get fat if you eat them" said Bheem while the twins looked at him as if he lost it.

"Go have the sattu that Matha made for Pitashree" said Bheem and took one of the six laddoos in his plate to eat but an arrow shot towards the laddoo which flew in the air and landed in Arjun's hand, who deftly caught it.

"Arjun! That's my laddoo!" exclaimed Bheem, standing up.

"Arjun! I will beat you up!" threatened Bheem and Arjun just laughed in response.

Meanwhile, Nakul and Sahadev took two of the remaining five laddoos and ran off making Bheem grab the plate, saying "Hey! My laddoos!"

Sahadev, Nakul and Arjun ran off and stood away from them.

"Bhratha Yudhishthir!" called Bheem.

Just then, Arjun shot an arrow at one of the three laddoos in Bheems plate, making the laddoo fly in the air. Yudhishthir came just in time and caught the laddoo.

"Enough of it. You three will not even eat a single laddoo. Let Bheem eat all those laddoos" said Yudhishthir giving the laddoo in his hand back to Bheem.

"Jyesth Bhratha, they snatched off three of my laddoos!" complained Bheem and Yudhishthir nodded in response while the remaining three snickered.

"How can I manage with just these laddoos? You know na that my name is Vrukodar" said Bheem.

"But bhratha Yudhishthir, these laddoos are meant for all of us and bhratha Bheem always eats all of the laddoos without leaving any for us!" whined Nakul.

Yudhishthir remained silent at that while Bheem glared daggers at Nakul. Nakul gulped in fear looking at Bheem.

"Bhratha Karn!" yelled Nakul loudly, fearing Bheem.

Karn was practicing archery nearby when he heard Nakul calling him. Sighing with a smile on his face, Karn aimed the arrow and shot it at the target, hitting bullseye. With that he turned around walked towards where his brothers were. Seeing Karn in his line of sight, Nakul immediately ran towards him and hid behind his eldest brother.

"Jyesth! I'm so happy you came! Please save me from bhratha Bheem! He's always eating all of our laddoos and now he's angry that we took our laddoos from him!" complained Nakul, poking his head from hiding behind Karn who smiled hearing him.

Karn smiled at his brothers' antics and looked at Bheem's plate.

"Let them have their laddoos, Bheem. You can have my laddoo" said Karn.

Now Bheem started whining "Why do you always spoil them, Jyesth bhratha?"

Karn just smiled at him and so did Yudhishthir.

"Jyesth keeps spoiling everyone, Bheem. Not just them. That's why he said that you can eat his laddoo instead of taking it from you" said Yudhishthir.

Bheem grumbled in response, grunting something around "They can have their laddoos" making Nakul and Sahadev to cheer while Arjun kept looking at Karn who was looking at the twins with a smile on his face.

"If Jyesth doesn't eat his share of laddoos, then I will also not eat mine" said Arjun and gave his laddoo to Bheem who ate it happily. 

Karn smiled and ruffled Arjun's hair in response. 

Karn then looked at Bheem and said "Eat some fruits too if you still feel hungry, Bheem" the latter nodding his head while nomming off the laddoos.

 Nakul and Sahadev looked at each other and nodded. Nakul then ran towards Bheem, giving his laddoo to Bheem.

"Here bhratha. Take this laddoo. We will share the remaining one laddoo among the rest of us" said Nakul.

"If you make one laddoo into 6 portions, then there will be a sixth of the portion left. Go and bring me that portion" said Bheem making Nakul frown and nod his head while Arjun snickered and Karn shake his head with a grin on his face, looking at his brother's antics. 

"Wait, wait" said Bheem when Nakul was about to go get Bheem's portion from the laddoo.

Bheem grabbed Nakul's head by his hair and kissed the boy's cheek loudly, saying "You guys can eat with me. Come, sit" making everyone grin.

"Arjun, Sahadev, come one. Jyesth, join us" said Bheem and they all did so while Bheem finally let go of Nakul's hair after ruffling it and pinching Nakul's cheek.

"Bhrathashree! Was it love or an assasination attempt? I do not understand anything when it comes to you!" exclaimed Nakul making everyone laugh.

Karn took the laddoo which Sahadev gave him and divided it into 6 portions, feeding a portion each to his brothers and the last portion to himself with his brothers literally shoving it into his mouth.


That's the 5th chapter! Hope you guys like it! And thank you so much for all the reads, likes and feedback! Thank you so much guys! And I forgot to say that the image in the previous chapter is not edited by me. The credit goes to the rightful owner of it. I forgot to mention that... And once again thank you so much for all the feedback and likes! You guys are the best!

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