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The King of Panchal, Maharaj Drupad  was meeting with his childhood friend Guru Drona. The two of them met in Gurukul and have bonded and stayed friends since then. Drupad introduced Drona to his fire born children who were born from a yagna he performed, asking the gods for a son. He already had a daughter named Shikhandini but she wanted nothing to do with the throne. She was okay with taking the responsibilities of the royal family but she knew the reason of her birth - to be the cause of Bheeshm's death. She wanted to serve for the throne but didn't want to be a ruler and Drupad needed an heir. So he started a yagna asking the gods for an heir and was granted a set of twins - a son and a daughter. The older twin was named Dhrishtadhyumn and the younger twin was named Draupadi. After Draupadi came out of the fire, Drupad and the sages who were taking part in the yagna heard an akaashvani which stated that Drupad will have another daughter sooner who will also be born from a yagna.

"She who will be your youngest born from the yagna will change the course and future of the entire aryavarth for better" stated the akaashvani.

Drupad introduced Dhrishtadhyumna and Draupadi to Drona and after the two left he informed Drona about what the akaashvani said.

"Change the course and future of aryavarth for better?" asked Drona and Drupad nodded in response.

"Why will she change the course of aryavarth for better?" asked Drupad already worrying for the future of his unborn daughter. 

"Because aryavarth might face some iniquitous circumstances?" wondered Drona and Drupad's worry increased.

Drona sensed his friends uneasiness and said "We don't have any control over what will happen in the future. But we can surely do everything in our power to make sure that evil doesn't take place. Let's worry about things when they happen, Mitr. We cannot do anything until then and worrying about it from now on is not good for anyone."

A few minutes of silence later, Drupad spoke again "There's another reason why I wanted to meet you today."

Drona looked at him questioningly.

"I think it's time that you get your share of the kingdom" said Drupad and Drona looked at him with a frown.

"Your son is old and capable enough to rule a kingdom and he has both you and me if he wants any help. It is time to crown Ashwatthama as the king of half of Panchal" said Drupad.

Drona remained silent for a few moments and said "Don't crown Ashwatthama as the King yet."

"Why not?" asked Drupad.

"Because I'm trying to make a few things right before they go out of our control" said Drona.


Maharaj Dhritarashtr has announced in the banquet that he was going to announce who is going to be the Crown Prince of Hastinapur the next day. While Karn was looking quite at peace, the same couldn't be said for his brothers. They already knew that Dhritarashtr was going to make Duryodhan the Crown Prince of Hastinapur but being the eldest of the Kuru Princes, it was Karn who was supposed to be the Crown Prince.

It was almost the time of the announcement of the Crown Prince of Hastinapur and everyone were seated in the court. While Duryodhan and his 99 brothers looked smug, Pandavs looked to be on edge, but were trying to be in control of their emotions. Karn on the other hand didn't look to be having any sorts of trouble with Duryodhan becoming the Crown Prince rather than himself. When Dhritarashtr entered the court, people hailed for him while the Princes stood up and pressed their hands together in respect. As soon as Dhritarashtr took his seat on the throne, everyone else took their seats. Shakuni and Duryodhan looked at each other smugly, happy that Duryodhan is going to be the Crown Prince which didn't go unnoticed by Yudhishthir. Duryodhan looked at Yudhishthir and then averted his gaze to Karn and smirked at him while the latter smiled back at him which unnerved Duryodhan.

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