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Things have been pretty rocky between the sons of Dhritarashtr and the sons of Pandu. Dhritarashtr's sons wanted nothing to do with their cousins and were showing clear enmity towards them. Dhristarashtr too went as far as trying to make Duryodhan as the Crown Prince of Hastinapur, but Bheeshm stopped him before he could, stating that all the princes of Hastinapur should go to Gurukul to attain knowledge before the one with all the capabilities is crowned as the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtr agreed to it, but only after twisting Bheeshm's words in his head thinking the latter said that Duryodhan will be crowned as the Yuvraj of Hastinapur only after he comes back from Gurukul.

Bheeshm was near river Ganga praying to Lord Suryanarayan while the said god was rising in the sky.  As soon as he was done with his prayers, a globe of light made its way towards him from the sun, confusing him. The globe of light than transformed itself and the sun god himself was standing in front of Bheeshm. Bheeshm was surprised to see the sun lord but greeted him nonetheless and the sun god blessed him.

"I have come to discuss a serious matter with you today, Gangaputra" said lord Suryanarayan.

"Please tell me what it is that you want to discuss with me, Bhagavan" said Bheeshm.

"I want to discuss about Karn" said the sun god.

Bheeshm frowned hearing him and asked "Karn? What about him, Bhagavan?"

"It is not news to you that Karn is my blessing to Kunti and it is also my responsibility to protect him at times just like the gods who has sired his brothers" said the sun lord.

"Yes, my lord."

"You have decided that it is time for all the Kuru Princes to go to Gurukul and attain knowledge" said Suryanarayan and Bheeshm nodded hearing him.

"It is also my responsibility that things go the right way this time" Bheeshm frowned hearing his words.

"It is my responsibility that Karn attains knowledge from the person he's supposed to obtain knowledge from. That's why I wanted to tell you that Karn should come with me and gain knowledge from the Guru he's supposed to. I cannot give you a choice here" said the sun god.

Bheeshm remained silent for a few moments, hearing his words. He seems to be contemplating something, but then looked at the sun himself in front of him.

Bheeshm pressed his hands together in respect and said "As you say, my lord. Karn will get educated from the Guru of your choice."

The sun god smiled and said "Then I will meet you and my son here, tomorrow morning" and left.

Bheeshm looked at the sun and pressed his hands together in respect once again and left. 


Bheeshm went to the Shiv temple that was in the premises of the palace to meet Kunti and found her there. She was just done with her prayers and he was there right on time. Looking at him, Kunti greeted him, joining her hands in respect and Bheeshm blessed her. 

"I've come here to discuss something about Karn, Kunti" said Bheeshm.

"What is it, Tatshree?" asked Kunti.

"It is time for Karn to go to a Guru and seek knowledge from him. Lord Suryanarayan too wants the same to happen. He wants to take his son to a Guru of his choice and he wants Karn to be ready by tomorrow" replied Bheeshm.

Kunti looked at him with wide eyes.

"Tatshree, I'm happy that Karn will be able to gain a Guru in his life, but I fear that he might not agree. He will not agree to leave his brothers, at least not when the loss of their father is still fresh. They are still grieving and without Karn, the remaining five of my sons will fall apart, Tatshree" cried Kunti.

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin