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When Krishna returned to Dwaraka with Rukmini along with Arjun and Isha, everyone were shocked. Before the rain of questions can be shot towards any of them, Balram explained the situation and soon the wedding arrangements were made. Within a day, Krishna and Rukmini were married and days after that, everyone actively participated in the arrangements and traditions of Vanditha's marriage. Vanditha for some reason didn't like Isha and Rukmini and also made a point of actively ignoring them, along with Draupadi since she and Isha came to Dwaraka together. Vanditha was plainly jealous of Isha and she was not happy that Rukmini 'stole the attention from her' by getting married before her. Draupadi, Isha and Rukmini noticed this and the two sisters tried to be as away from Vanditha's presence as possible, so that the soon to be bride wouldn't throw a tantrum or more at a point. Rukmini too tried to do the same, but since she's now the bride of Krishna, there are a few activities that she could not avoid participating and when she could, she spent her time either with her husband or with Isha and Draupadi. 

Two days were left until the wedding ceremony. Isha woke up early in the morning, way before sunrise- more like she didn't even get proper sleep as some dreams kept flashing in her head, making her snap her eyes open every time, took a bath, got ready and went to the temple to perform her morning rituals. After she was done, she decided to venture Dwaraka.

She was walking by the shore of the beach when she saw someone praying by the shore to the sun lord. The sun was just rising and Isha got a clear view of who that person was. His kundal was also too evident to give away his identity in their proximity. A plan immediately formed in her head, just for the sake of her own amusement, plus she was slightly pissed off at that person.

Karn was just done with his prayers and was turning around to leave the shore and go back to the palace when his armor immediately appeared on his chest. He quickly looked around to see who was there to cause trouble when a small pebble came and collided with his armor and then fell by his feet in a silent thud (I cannot exactly describe this scene but it is quite hilarious in my head 🐇). His armor too slowly disappeared and he heard tiny giggles coming from behind a tree on his right, making his head snap at the direction.

There she stood, the girl who's repeatedly appearing in his dreams. He doesn't exactly remember what those dreams are about, but he knew that she was in them.

A small smile gently graced his lips upon hearing her giggles.

"Devi Meenakshi, what are you doing here at this time?" asked Karn.

Her giggles slowly died down, but a smile was still resting on her lips.

"I could ask you the same thing" said Isha, tilting her head to the side.

"I was just praying to Lord Suryanarayan" said Karn, walking towards her.

"And I was just on my way back from the temple" she said, slightly lifting the Pooja thali in her hand.

"Prashad" she said, taking some of the prashad into her hand to give to him and he took it.

"Why are you not at the palace?" asked Karn, skeptically.

Isha looked at him as if he's lost it and replied "I was at the temple and was on my way back, Angraj Karn!" dramatically showing the thali in her hand.

"Angraj?" asked a confused Karn.

"Haan! That is your name!" replied Isha.

"But I'm not the king of Anga" said Karn while the two of them started walking towards the palace.

"But the people of Anga see you as their King. They have declared so. Their loyalty lies with you" said Isha.

Karn sighed, shaking his head and said "Well, I'm sure that Pitamah and Tatshree will be happy that Anga will be under the Kuru sovereignty."

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now