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As soon as the Pandavs reached the palace of Hastinapur, they can immediately feel that something was wrong. All the members of the Royal family looked tensed and unhappy. When Karn asked Mahamahim Bheeshm about what was wrong, Bheeshm immediately dismissed him, saying that they can talk later and told Karn that he needs to take some rest as he looked tired from the long journey.

The next day, Dhritarashtr summoned the Pandavs to the personal meeting room where the stately matters are discussed in private. The Pandavs were surprised to find Duryodhan along with Dhritarashtr and Bheeshm.

"Pranipat Tatshree, Pitamah and Duryodhan. What's the matter? Is it about the Shalvs again?" asked Karn.

While Duryodhan feigned looking extremely hurt and upset, Dhritarashtr looked troubled and restless. Helplessly, he walked towards Karn.

"Putr Karn-" he started but got interrupted by a messenger who announced "Dwarkadeesh Vasudev Krishna is requesting your permission to enter the room."

Dhritarashtr huffed in response while Bheeshm said "He has the permission."

A few moments later, the divine lord entered the room with a peaceful smile on his face and everyone greeted him while Duryodhan looked like he wanted to hide somewhere.

"Accha hua ki aap bhi yahaan par hain, Vasudev. Afterall, with how the things are going, your cousins might need your guidance" said Bheeshm making everyone in the room frown while Krishna just smiled in response.

"Isn't that why I'm here, Mahamahim?" asked Lord Krishna.

Karn smiled at the younger man and then looked at his uncle and reminded "Tatshree, you were saying something earlier."

Dhritarashtr heaved out a sigh like he was in great difficulty and said "Putr Karn, now where do I start. As per Vasudev's wishes I have sent you six Pandavs and Duryodhan representing the Kurus to Dwarka, but we ended up being insulted there."

All the Pandavs frowned hearing that.

"Got insulted there? I did not understand what you meant, Maharaj" said Krishna in response but kept looking at Arjun and Karn.

"It wasn't you or your people who insulted the Kurus, Vasudev. It was the Princess of Panchal who insulted us!" exclaimed Dhritarashtr.

Arjun's eyes widened hearing that. Was his uncle talking about the girl he fell in love with, or the girl whom he befriended? Either way, this was not sounding good.

"She has insulted Duryodhan and Duryodhan is a member of Kuruvansh. Hence she has insulted our entire lineage! That proud princess has no right to do that. That's why, I want you to go to war against Panchal!" ordered Dhritarashtr.

Karn was shocked hearing that. Did Princess Draupadi even interact with Duryodhan? he thought. 

Arjun was about to say something, but got cut off by Krishna who said "Uchit hain. No person has a right to insult one's lineage. Maharaj, if you truly want the Pandavs to go to war against Pancha rajya, then allow me to join them. Let me be clear though, I only want to guide the Pandavs."

Dhritarashtr waved him off and said "You can do whatever you want Vasudev. As long as the Pandavs go to war against Panchal, that's what matters to me."

With that, Dhritarashtr stood up and walked out of the room and Duryodhan -  who was already sweating bullets, followed his father. Bheeshm too stood up and walked towards Karn.

"Putr Karn, I'm not sure what really happened in Dwarka. It's Duryodhan we are talking about here. When you go to war against Panchal, just make sure that Duryodhan's claims are right before making any damage. I know you have the capability to destroy Drupad's army, but we have to make sure that lives are not lost because of some sort of pettiness" said Bheeshm.

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt