Chapter 42: To Hage

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Noelle POV:

Today's the day I go to Hage with Asta. I woke up early to get ready, and I've been stressing out this entire time. I'm actually going to meet Asta's family. I wonder what they'll think of me? Hopefully, they'll like me. I have to have a good first impression. I dart around, back and forth in my room, thinking about what I'll say to them.

I look into my mirror and begin to rehearse, "Hi, I'm Noelle! I'm Asta's teammate on the Black Bulls, and I also happen to be his g-girlfriend." I force an awkward smile and turn away from the mirror. This isn't going to cut it. I fall to the ground and roll around in embarrassment. Why does this have to be so hard! I'm royalty, after all! Suddenly it dawns on me. I stand back up and slam my hands on the desk. "I'm royalty," I scream, looking into the mirror. That's all I have to say! Of course, they'd be thankful! I'm royalty! There's no reason why I should be embarrassed! Cheerfully, I sit back down in front of my desk and begin to comb out my hair. 

I begin to hum a sweet tune in anticipation for today. I wonder how they'll react when I tell them I'm from the Silva family. Surely, they'll be happy. As I finish brushing my hair, I stand up with confidence. Meeting his family will be a cinch. I bolt out of my room and head towards the dining room. Surely Asta is already up and eating. Maybe by now, he's training and doing pushups or something. 

I make my way to the dining room, where I find Asta and Finral sitting down eating breakfast together. As I see Asta, I'm reminded of the embarrassment I felt yesterday, and I feel hesitant to approach him. I wonder if I should interrupt them, they seem to be having a good time. I look around the room to see if anyone else is around. The only other members around are Yami, Charmy, Gauche, and Grey. 

I walk over to Charmy, who is currently stuffing her face with food,  and grab food from her sheep. "Good morning Charmy. How are you?"

"I'm doing well, la!" She says without even looking away from her food. I awkwardly sit down next to her as she ravages through her plate of food. "Is there something on your mind, Noelle?"

"Huh," I say, taken aback, "what do you mean?"

"What do I mean, you say?" She says, standing up onto the table. "Don't underestimate your reliable Senpai! I can see through all! Now, come cry into my arms and tell me all about it, la!"

Everyone in the room begins to look at Charmy, who has caused a scene, "What the hell are you on about," Yami questions, "you're too loud."

Gauche chimes in, "I'm talking to my angel Marie! Shut up!"

"They're as lively as ever," I hear Finral say from across the room.

"I love it here," Asta replies to him as he smiles.

The whole room slowly descends into a chaotic mess as everyone begins to yell at each other. Suddenly, I find myself laughing, and the nervousness I felt before begins to fade. After my laughter calms down, I stand up, "Thanks, Charmy. You helped a lot!"

Charmy gives me a thumbs up and sits back down, "No problem, Noelle!" She says as she begins to stuff her face once more. 

With a new sense of confidence, I walk over to Asta and sit down with him and Finral. 

"Good morning Noelle," says Finral.

"Morning Finral."

"Hey, Noelle," Asta says while leaning forward hugging me.

"Good morning," I say, blushing, returning his embrace. Asta never normally hugs me in front of others. 

From the corner of my eye, I see Finral smiling. "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds be," he says while standing up. "Have a good day," he says, standing up. Finral makes his way to the exit and opens the door. But before exiting, he turns around, "Oh, and Asta, don't forget our chat." Quickly he leaves the room, leaving no chance for Asta to respond.

"What was he talking about," I question, curious as to what he meant. 

"Oh, don't worry about it," Asta says, grabbing my hand. "Let's go to Hage now." Asta stands up and drags me along.

"Huh? But I haven't eaten yet."

"Don't worry about it. You can have Hage's famous Tatoes! I told everyone we were coming today, so I'm pretty sure Sister Lily prepared a feast!"

"Well, okay then," I respond as Asta drags me along. I'm not mentally prepared for this, but what the heck. I have to leave a good impression!

[Chapter 42 end]

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