Chapter 46: Mission

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Noelle POV:

"Noelle, wake up." I feel myself being lightly nudged as I move in and out of consciousness. "Captain Yami is calling for us. We gotta hurry."

Slightly out of it, Asta helps me to my feet. I slowly open my eyes, and the light bombards my eyes. "What does the Captain want," I say, somewhat irritability, blocking the light from my eyes, "I just got back. Why can't he let me sleep?"

"Don't worry, Noelle. I don't think that it was anything too important. He asked for both of us anyway. So no matter what it is, at least we'll be together for it!"

Hearing Asta make that comment makes me happy. It must mean he wants to spend time with me, and I can't help but crack a smile which I think he notices, and it causes him to blush. 

We make our way into the common room to find Captain Yami smoking a cigarette while sitting down on his chair. "Yo," the Captain says, exhaling a puff of smoke. He then removes the cigarette from his mouth and holds it. "I'm sorry about this, Noelle, but I have to send you back to that village."

"Huh," I exclaim, "what for? Didn't we finish our work there? It hasn't even been a day since we got back!"

"Yeah yeah, I know, trust me. But it would seem like you didn't finish the job."

"There's no way. Vanessa, Charmy, and I made sure to wipe those bandits out completely."

"Sorry, Noelle. That may be true, but it seems like a few of them slipped away in the chaos and regrouped. One of the villagers got away and was able to contact the Magic Knights Headquarters, but during the transmission, it would seem like they got rid of him. Therefore, we have to send you back." Captain Yami inserts the cigarette back into his mouth, inhales, then lets out another cloud of smoke. 

 "Can't you send Vanessa or Charmy?"

"I already sent them back out. Things have been oddly busy lately around here. Listen." The Captain cuts off his sentence and allows me to listen to my surroundings.  

 "It's quiet," I say, astonished.

"Exactly. I sent off all those good for nothings on missions, and you two are the only ones left. But hey, I least I'm sending you with your boyfriend." The Captain laughs and slaps his knee. 

Asta and I look at each other without exchanging words. I can't believe I have to go back. It'll take a least two hours to fly there by broom. 

"Well, at least we're going together," says Asta, "I'll make sure we wrap this up quickly so you can come back and rest."

"Thanks, Asta," I smile gently. That's right, at least I have Asta with me this time.

"You two are still here," Captain Yami interjects. "Hurry up, will ya? Those villagers are in trouble. Also, don't do shoddy work and come back here and expect to rest. Make sure you do your job properly this time." 

"Huh? And what is it that you do?" I retort.

"What do I do?" The Captain pauses and thinks to himself. "I watch over you guys, I guess. Now scram! I have some business to attend to." The Captain gets up from his chair and makes his way towards the hallway. He leaves the room but quickly reenters, "also, don't forget to surpass your limits out there." The Captain leaves the room once again, leaving Asta and me. 

"Well, I guess we should go now," Asta says, making his way to the exit. 

"I can't believe I have to go back," I say, dragging my feet, "how long did I even sleep for before you woke me up?"

"Hmm, I'd say like 15 minutes maybe."

"I'm gonna make sure those bandits feel my wrath when we get back. They just ruined my naptime. I'm royalty, after all. I'll make sure they pay." I say fiercely. I grab my broom from outside and straddle onto it, "come on, Asta. Let's go."

Without hesitation, Asta gets on behind me and wraps his arm around my waist. His touch causes me to jolt up and blush. It seems like I'll never get used to this. I take off on my broom and head back towards the village. 

"How far of a ride is this going to be," Asta inquires. 

"Two hours, give or take."

"So that means we have a lot of time until we get there. I wish we could get there faster. Those villagers are in trouble."

"I know. I wish we could get there faster as well. For the villagers' sake and mine," I say, as I let out a yawn. 

"Hey, do you think you'll be okay flying for two hours? You seem pretty tired."

"Well, I'm going to have to. It's not like you can fly the broom."

"I bet if I ran, I could get there faster than you."

"Huh? You don't even know where we're going!"

"Haha. You're right." Asta laughs. "It was worth throwing the idea out. I could've carried you as I ran. You're pretty light.  

I blush and imaging him carrying me in his arms. Or maybe even piggyback? "Well, maybe I'll let you carry me on the way back."   

"Deal," Asta says, with no hesitation. 

It startles me, causing me to lose control over the broom shortly. "Please don't yell in my ear, Asta," I say, regaining control. 

"Haha, my bad." Asta tightens his grip around my waist and rests his head on my back. "Is my apology working?"

"M-Maybe," I say, blushing.

He slightly tightens his grip, "how about know?"

My heart flutters. His warmth feels really comforting. "K-Keep holding me like that," I speak in a low voice. "If you let go before we get there, I'll be upset."

"Okay, Noelle. I won't let go."

[Chapter 46 end] 

Black Clover - By My Side (Asta X Noelle)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora