Chapter 9: Star Festival (Part 2)

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Asta POV:

"It's not you!" Noelle blurts out. She looks down to the ground, and to my surprise, I see her tears start to fall as well. Although crying, she continues with what she was saying, "Asta, I think you're amazing. It's just that when I'm with you and other people are around; I get self-conscious. I always feel like other people are judging me. This morning Captain Yami saw us, and he told everyone. It just made me feel super awkward. Since then, it just feels weird to be around you with so many other people. I'm so sorry." 

Noelle begins sobbing, and nearby people start looking over and whispering to each other. I grab Noelle's hand and stand up. 

"Let's go somewhere more private," I say as I smile to reassure her that everything is okay. 

"Okay," she responds while still crying.

Holding her hand, I lead her somewhere with fewer people. The festival has started to pick up, so there are more people around, but I manage to find an alleyway. Still holding her hand, I take her down the alley so that we can talk. 

"I think we're okay here," I say as I stop walking. 

"Mhm," she barely manages to respond.

"You don't have to cry anymore," I place my hands on her face and start to wipe her tears away, "I'm right here with you." 

Noelle lunges forward and hugs me tightly. Her tears wet my shirt. Nevertheless, I hold her close and return her embrace. 

"I'm sorry that I'm like this, Asta. My entire life, I've been judged for everything that I do. When other people are around us, I feel like I can't be myself." Noelle hugs me tighter, and her crying intensifies, "I love you so much, but it's hard to show it in front of others. I'm sorry, Asta."

I've always had the feeling that Noelle had a rough childhood. She's never mentioned her family, much less her childhood, but after a few run-ins with her siblings, I think it's obvious to see where these feelings stem from. After hearing her words, I want to protect her even more. I want to make sure she's happy. I have to let her know that what she feels is okay and that we can work through it together. 

"Noelle, it's okay. You can take your time. If it's hard for you right now, then I'm willing to wait as long as you need me to. No matter what anyone says, I'll always be there with you."

Still crying, Noelle raises her head from my chest, "you really don't mind?" 

"Not one bit," I kiss her forehead to ease her worries.

She plants her head on my chest once more, this time, her tears settled, "I promise I'll work towards getting more comfortable around others. Let's just start slow." She wipes her tears away and kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you for always cheering me up. We can go enjoy the festival now."

"Alright! Let's go!" I grab her hand and run out of the alleyway. It's time to enjoy the festival!

As we emerge from the alley, I let go of her hand. I want to respect what she said about starting slow. 

"What should we do first?" I ask Noelle.

"Let's play games!" The sadness in her voice now gone, she happily suggests things we could do, "some games require you to have magic, but I can help you with those. We can also get food. I bet there's lots of food you haven't had yet."

She seems completely different than before. Now she looks happier. I guess she was able to clear her conscious in the alleyway. I'm glad she feels better now. Hopefully, this will help us get even closer than before.

Noelle and I play lots of different games and eat lots of food. We're able to enjoy the time we have together. However, in the back of my mind, I feel like I'm forgetting something.

[Chapter 9 end]

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