Chapter 49: Brawl

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Noelle POV:

The impact from the magic blast had taken its toll. The side of my head where it grazed him bleeds. Asta put his safety on the line in order to protect me and was hurt badly for it. As I examine his wound I realize his headband tore off. Almost instinctively, I rip off cloth from the bottom of my skirt and wrap it around Asta's head in an attempt to help stem the bleeding.

 As I apply the cloth Asta grabs my hand, "Danger is closing in. They're starting to surround us. And there's a lot of em. They must know I got hit."  

"You've got to be kidding me, they weren't this coordinated when I fought against them earlier," I say as I frantically try to finish wrapping Asta's head. This can't be happening, my heartbeat accelerates, I'll have to fight them all on my own. Can I even beat them all? How many are there? Will I be able to protect Asta? No, I have to protect him. 

"Noelle," Asta snaps me back to reality while delivering words of encouragement, "Don't worry, I'm fine! This isn't enough to keep me down. You should know that by now!"

 He smiles, instantly washing away any thoughts of doubt or fear in my mind. Why was I worried? We're together.

"We'll counter-attack together, they don't know they're messing with Asta and Noelle of the Black Bulls!"

Smiling, I remember the exact reasons why I fell in love with him in the first place. 

We crouch in the tall grass, the wind whispering the promise of danger, as Asta and I exchange a silent understanding – we're in for a fight.

"Are you ready, Noelle?" 

I nod, ready for a fight, "I'm fine, Asta. Just don't go too crazy," I say with a smile.

He summons his sword, a weapon that defies the magic-wielding norms of this world. Asta may lack magic, but he makes up for it in sheer determination and the strength that astounds even the most accomplished mages.

"Try to keep up!" he declares, a determined gleam in his eyes. "We'll show these bandits what we're made of!"

I can't help but smile at his unwavering spirit. Despite being a peasant with no magic, he dreams of becoming the Wizard King, the pinnacle of magical knights- yet he's always the first to charge headstrong into battle.

"Alright, then," I whisper, summoning my water magic. The element responds to my call, ready to unleash its power. I focus on the attackers, searching for any signs of movement.

We rise from the grass and inch forward, guided by Asta's instincts and my connection with the water element. The world around us feels charged with anticipation, like the calm before a storm. We're walking right into their trap, but we're not naive. We'll turn the tables.

Asta leads the way, scanning for signs of the bandits. We're like a whirlwind of contrasting forces: Asta's raw strength and my controlled water magic. Yet, there's a harmony in our partnership, a balance that draws strength from our differences.

Suddenly, Asta senses movement, a rustle in the grass. Bandits emerge, their intentions clear in their menacing glares. Asta steps in front of me, sword at the ready, unflinching in the face of danger.

"Let's do this, Noelle!" he calls, and I nod, a torrent of water swirling around me.

As the bandits charge, I unleash my water magic, creating a watery barrier that halts their advance. But these are no ordinary bandits; they're clearly skilled in combat. Asta swings his sword, his every movement carrying the strength of someone who refuses to back down. With breathtaking speed, the impact sent shockwaves through the ground. He's a force to be reckoned with, a tornado of brute strength.

I focus my water magic, creating torrents that lash out, entangling the bandits and throwing them off balance. Asta, taking advantage of the opening I created, slashes the bandits down effortlessly. 

However, they aren't giving up easily. While we may have taken out five so far, they still heavily outnumber us. By my count, there are at least 15 left. 

Almost as if they were surprised by our retaliation the bandits regroup into a formation. Once again they surround us, leaving small gaps in between.

Asta backs up close to me until our backs touch, "It looks like they're up for a fight." determined and unyielding, charges forward once more and I feel a surge of pride watching him. He skillfully dodges and parries oncoming attacks as if his head injury doesn't phase him. I toss out spell after spell, attacking the bandits, while also making sure I cover for Asta's blindspots.  

The battle rages on, but we fight side by side, and sure enough, the bandits begin to retreat, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement – together, Asta and I can face anything this world throws at us.

[Chapter 49 end]

Author's notes: I ain't dead yet ;)

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