Chapter 45: Relax

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Asta POV:

As I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling, I can't seem to escape the feeling of boredom. Four days have passed since Noelle, and I went to Hage together. I'm glad about how things turned out. It seems as if my family really liked her. Especially Sister Lily. Since we came back from Hage, Noelle and I haven't hung out together. When we returned, she was sent out on a mission with Charmy and Vanessa. The past few days have felt mundane without her here. 

I turn my attention to my window sill and notice Nero is sitting in his nest. "Hey, Nero," I say, knowing I won't hear a response, "I feel like I haven't seen you around often. Where have ya been?" To no surprise, Nero doesn't respond and instead stares at me as if I'm an Idiot. Shrugging my shoulders, I can't help but think it was worth a shot.

I sit up and move to the edge of the bed, hanging my legs off the side. We should be hearing about the results from the exams soon. I wonder if I passed? As I ponder on my exam results, someone knocks on the door, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Come in," I say softly, falling back down onto my bed.

"Hey, Asta. What're you up to?"

It's Noelle! Instantly I feel myself get more excited. I pick myself back up and stare at her. 

"Is there something on my face?" She says as she feels her face, looking for anything out of the ordinary. 

"Nope," I respond cheerfully, still staring at her. 

"Then what it is? Are you about to prank me?"

Chuckling, I respond, "no. It's just that you look really pretty right now." I say confidently while smiling. 

Noelle's cheeks flush red. She looks away and nervously begins to play with her hair, "w-where did that come from?"

"I dunno. I just saw you and wanted to tell you."

"Well, okay, thanks," she says while trying to hide the beautiful smile on her face. 

"Come sit with me," I say, patting the bed next to me. Noelle follows suit and sits down next to me, and immediately I hug her tightly. Her warmth is comforting. Although it's only been a few days without her, I feel incredibly at peace right now. "I missed you while you were gone. How was the mission? Did everything go okay?"

Noelle hugs me back and kisses me on the lips. Her lips are as soft as ever. After a few moments. she pulls herself back. "I missed you too. I just got back and immediately ran to your room. I'm happy you were here." She snuggles up closer to me. "The mission went well. We were just sent out to protect some villagers from bandits. They attacked one night, and we demolished them. But they didn't learn their lesson and came back the next night. After that, we tailed them back to their hideout and dismantled them from there. It was tiring."

"Haha, they had no idea who they were messing around with. The Black Bulls are invincible. Not to mention you were there. I bet you could beat the bandits all on your own with just one spell."

Noelle chuckles, "it was definitely a team effort." She then lays down and rests her head on my lap. "Do you mind if I just relax here for a bit? I'm pretty tired." 

"Take as much time as you need," I say as I play with her hair. "Good work on your mission."

Noelle smiles and closes her eyes, "thanks, Asta."

[Chapter 45 end]

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