Part 3: Planning

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"What's wrong sweetheart?" My dad ask. I hold my phone out and they all gather around the screen.


today we interviewed her ex boyfriend, Nick Johnson only moments after she refused to listen to his song which he wrote for her.

*video attachment*

"That's-thats not good" Carrie says.

"Oh I had no idea. My face is plastered on tons of gossip sites and magazines" I snap.

I scroll down and there are links for a million others, all painting me to be the bad person.

"Oh Dylan, what do we do?" She ask, pacing nervously. Now I really don't know what her problem is, I mean it's all about me. The articles are putting me as the bad guy.

"We'll call Gladys tomorrow and I'm sure she'll tell us exactly what do to"

Despite the panic in the room, I giggle. I mean I've never ever met someone named Gladys.

Carrie hits me with a death glare and I become silent.

"Car, it will be okay" Dylan says, running his hand up and down her shoulder. Mom and dad have taken my phone as they read all the articles, I hear the terrible song play and I then nicks voice which I swear makes my ears ring. I look at the couple for a moment.

I've never noticed it but Dylan's always comforting Carrie when she's stressed and doing little gestures to show his affection. What was I thinking? I mean it's great she's gonna marry Dylan. He's a great guy who really really loves her.

"Oh shit" my dad mutters, making carries eyes practically pop out of her head.

"Ray, language" My mom says and leans in to see what he's reacting too. Her jaw drops and her eyes also seem to pop.

"What? What!" Carrie ask, walking over to the table.
She grabs the phone and reads out loud.

'You said her sisters engaged, well I would y be surprised if she wanted to get with the younger prince' Julie's ex comments.

"Oh. My. God." Carrie says, shoving the phone down and turning around to me. She looks absoulety furious, I take a quick glance at Dylan and he looks scared. I'm sure he's never seen her mad which means he's really not ready for what's about to happen.

"JULIE, WHAT THE HELL? WHY IS IT ALWAYS YOU?" She screams. I feel like I've been slapped and don't respond for half a second until I realize what she said.

"Always me? How is it always me? It's never been me or about me or anything but you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even have to be worried about something like this" I snap back.

"Dylan, let's go.... do things not here" Carlos says grabbing Dylan by the arm and dragging him upstairs.

"Julie, this is all your fault. Don't pin this on me, I mean you couldn't even just listen to his stupid song" She yells back.

"He's my ex, why the heck would I do that? It's not wrong for me to not give him the time of day. It's a typical thing for normal people but I guess you wouldn't know that" Her jaw drops in response of the last part, which I'll admit was probably a little far but I'm not wrong.

"Your such a baby, everyone has ex's who are total d-bags but now look what's happen. Millions of people think you wanna get into Dylan's little bros pants" She says, her voice sounding defeated.

"I don't care what anyone think and I definitely do not want that. I don't ever wanna go to England" I snap and then I realize I shouldn't have said that.

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