Part 21: The Real Kiss

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After yesterday, I can't stop thinking about what Reggie told me. He loves Carrie, of course he does. I mean, it's been totally obvious the whole time. The way he looks at her, all he does for her, the way he treats her.

I haven't really seen Luke since the ball and our almost kiss. We haven't gotten a chance to talk, not that I'm sure what I would say.

Today we're at some pony race thing, once again I'm in a puffy dress that I would never in a million years wear but I do kinda look good. I mean, the dress just fits me well and compliments my skin. I was also put in heels which is not ideal being that it rained and the ground is soft but if every other girl can do it, so can I.

I look up at the stadium and then we're the royals sit, I see Reggie, Dylan, Carrie, and the Queen. I don't see Luke though. I watch them, all up in there fancy seats, I wonder if it's hard for Carrie. I mean she has to pretend to like all these things. My mind wanders back to Luke, I mean shouldn't he be up there. I bet he hoped he was. as Reggie is shoving his tongue down Fiona's throat, I kinda feel bad, for knowing what I know about Fiona.

"Looking for someone?" A familiar voice says, making my heart stop. I turn around and-
OMFG he looks hot. He's in basic black pants with a white button down that he's pushed up his arms. He hold his jacket in the crook of his arm but the way he holds himself is what's hot.

"Umm, no just looking" I spit out awkwardly.
Great going Julie.

"Come on, let's get a drink" he says, extending his hand. Okay, so it's not awkward? We walk hand in hand and I have to remind myself.

This is just fake, we're faking dating is all. And I'm gonna be back in LA soon.

We go up to the drink area and he orders to pops. I take a sip even though I'm not thirsty, hoping the caffeine will give me the boost to actually talk.

"Oh, I see Alex. I'll be right back" he says before running off towards a group of people, Alex amount them. I stand there as I feel my heels sink into the the ground. Then I overhear someone talking.

"Yeah, that's her. Carries little sister. I mean we thought that Carrie was bad, she's worse. She came all this way to hookup with prince Reginald, then ended up with Luke. Just like her sister, going after royal men that they don't deserve"


Carries the opposite of bad, shes amazing. And she deserves Dylan, they were practically made for each other.

"Excuse me" I say, turning to them. Of course, they're old ladies. I tell myself to just walk away but I can't. " I couldn't help but overhear what y'all were saying and Carrie's not bad. She's amazing, like literal sunshine amazing. Who are you to judge her?"

They both just laugh and start to walk away.

"Wait, no no. You can't just laugh and leave. She's not a bad person, she's a great person"

"But she's no royalty. She doesn't know the first thing about ruling a country" One lady says.

"Who cares? She'll do a better job than you ever could" I snap, they both gasp and I walk. Scratch that, storm off.

"JULIE" I hear Luke call as I continue to walk. I don't know where I'm going but I'm not staying here.

He catches up to me and grabs my arm to turn me around.

"Julie, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Does everyone hate Carrie or something?" I ask, furious.

People can talk about me, about how I'm a mess because I am but not Carrie. She's worked so hard to be perfect. I'm not gonna let anyone think other wise.

"Julie, it's just because she's not royalty. They'll get over it" Luke says, grabbing my hand.

"So, they don't care that we're...... ya know. Why?"

"Because I've dated lots of commoners" He says and I feel like I've been punched.

I'm a commoner to him?

I pull my hand away, backing away and crossing my arms.

"Commoners? Wow"

Just then Gladys shows up and pushes us together. Luke grabs my waist, to keep my from falling over and I look at him, still pissed.

"Now give her a kiss" She says and the cameras start to flash. I look at him and at Gladys, my heart beating hard.

"I-I can't, I'm sorry" I say, already running away. I keep running as fast as my feet can take me and I come across a garage or barn or something.

Who cares, I need a place to collect myself.

As soon as I enter, I realize it's a kind of garage. There's so many fancy cars. I run my hand across the edge of the Rolls Royce.

Then I hear someone open the semi-creaky door. I assume it's probably Gladys or Carrie, definitely not him.

"Juliet" Luke says. I, on reaction, turn to him. Of course it's him, because he's like that. He's quite close to perfect.

The moment I do, I feel guilty. For running away, for leaving him all alone.

Maybe we're even for today at least.

"I'm so sorry Luke, I just couldn't do it. I mean, all this stuff we've done is ya know romantic and all but a kiss, a kiss means something. A kiss is special" I say. And whatever I was gonna say is interrupted by his lips on me.

His lips are soft and perfect, like I definitely didn't ever imagine. His hands reach up to my cheeks and I stand there for a moment like an idiot. Then I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. He pulls back momentarily, I think to read my expression before kissing me again. We both pull away and he rest his forehead against mine. I smile at him, letting him know how much I enjoyed that.

"A kiss is special to me too" he whispers, making my heart jump out of me chest "your special to me" he adds. I smile again. Then he does a familiar smile, the one I saw at that underground club when we went to find Reggie. The first one that really clued me in to the fact he could actually be fun or happy even. And most definitely hot.

"Now what?" I whisper, looking longingly into his dark eyes. He plays with one of the curls of my hair, his hands still placed on my cheeks.

"YOU SMILE!" A voice says, busting into the garage.

A/n: hey babes, how you doin?

Little mental health check in.

If your struggling, please message me. I'm free to talk when u need it! We all struggle with hard times and I want everyone to have someone to listen. -R

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