Part 8: The Trip

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It's been a week since I arrived here and it's not gotten any less weirder. Everyone's so posh and stuck up. So prim and proper.

The only good thing other then being around Carrie is hanging with Alex. We became friends so fast and we practically spend all day together.

But today, Flynn comes! I'm so excited that I can't even stay calm. I'm so happy. I literally leaped from my bed today. Now I anxiously wait outside for her arrival.

As a black car pulls up, my whole day brightens. Out jumps my favorite person ever and my forever bestie.

"FLYNN" I squeal running to her and leaping to hug her. We both laugh and squeal as we hug.

"I'm so happy you're here!" I say as I finally let go.

"Me too! I missed you so much, I know it's only been a week but I've barely heard from you" she says.

"I know, I just couldn't talk to you without completely ruining all the surprises!" I say, helping grab her bags in which she has a million.

"Flynn, your only here for a week. Do you need this much stuff?" I ask, my arms full of bags. She slings bags over her arms and grabs the rest of them.

"You never know, especially with a hot prince around" She jokes. I scoff and roll my eyes as we walk into the palace. Luckily, I was able to snag a room night next to mine for Flynn. I walk her up to my room and we quickly drop all her stuff in hers. After I help her unpack a bit, we go into my room and catch up. Ya know because a lot happens in a week. I put on one of favorite romantic comedies, 10 things I hate about you.

During the movie
"Okay so spill, what's it been like?"

"Lots of waking up early and tea" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I mean about the guys. What's with the royal wreckers?" Flynn ask excitedly.

"There's not much to say really. From what I can tell, Luke is the least wreckish of them all even though he is a total douche. Alex is really nice, we're kinda friends I would say. I haven't talked to Bobby or Willie but they seem nice. And then there's Reggie, he's a hot mess"

"He certainly is hot" she says with a giddy smile that makes me wanna throw up.

"He's gonna be my brother in law, stooooop" I say, dramatically rolling around. We both burst out laughing and turn our attention back to our favorite movie.

It's so great to have my best friend I mean, what could possibly be bad when she's here?

We lay on my bed for a little while, different rom-coms watching and wishing we could have that when there's a knock at my door. It's probably just Carrie or Alex. I get up from the bed and crack the door slightly when I see it's none other then Prince Reginald himself.

"Oh my.... Umm. Flynn I'll be right back" I say, closing the door behind me. I shut it tightly and turn back to him, furious.

"You need to go" I state, crossing my arms and giving him a glare.

"Why- why are you so mad at me? I didn't even do anything"

"It's what your gonna do that's the problem" I say, the anger inside me boiling up.

Yeah, I know what your thinking. I'm overreacting but I've read plenty of scandal magazines and seen the way he has girls practically every night. Like hell I'm letting some posh prick of a prince hit on my best friend.

"What? Welcome our guest?" He says with a smirk.

That's one thing most of the royal wreckers have in common, they're stupid smug smirk. I don't know if they practiced it but it makes you wanna punch them. I literally want to punch him in the face.

"No no no, you are not talking to her" I snap. I hear the door open behind me and Flynn is handing beside me.

"Umm hi, I'm Flynn" she says and he gives her a full moon smile.

"Reginald but you can call me Reggie" the way he says it makes me wanna puke, all flirty. I look at Flynn, knowing she absolutely is not falling for this. But I watch as she does a sweet little smile and hair flip.

OH MY GOD, SHES FLIRTING. No no no no no no.

"Has Julie given you the tour? You must see all of rosebridge, it's fantastic" Reggie says and Flynn makes an excited face.

"No she hasn't, I would love to see it" she says snd gives me a pleading look. Reggie also gives me a look, one that makes my stomach churn in the worst way.

But she's old enough to make her own decisions and I can't exactly stop her.

"I think I'm gonna find Alex or something. Ya know if you wanna go on the tour"

"Yes, I mean I would love too!" Flynn smiles, turning back to Reggie.

"I'll have her back in an hour" Reggie says and before I can say another thing, I hear Flynn's giggles become distant as they walk down the hallway.

Now I'm left here all alone, with all my romantic comedies of course.

"Well well well, why don't you look very lonely" Luke says, appearing out of thin air.

"Yeah, what about it" I say, feeling extremely let down.

"Wanna talk about it Molina?" He ask and I scoff.

"Not with you, I'm just gonna find Alex"

"Oh him and Willie are out. I guess your stuck with me" he says going into my room.

I hate boys so much.

A few hours later
"Luke what time is it?" I ask, looking outside.

"It's almost midnight. Why?" He says, tossing another piece of popcorn into his mouth.

He pretty much invited himself into my room and we've been sitting here, watching movies ever since.

"Because, Flynn went with Reggie like hours ago" I say, getting up.

"Bloody hell, Reggie" Luke mumbles under his breath before also getting up "come on, we gotta go" he says grabbing my arm.

We run down to his room and Luke bangs on the door, but no one answers.

"Reg, you in there?" He yells, banging on the door. Dylan comes from downstairs, looking puzzled and groggy like he was asleep.

"What are you guys doing here?" He ask, running his eyes.

"Have you seen Reggie? Or umm" Luke says, not finishing the sentence. He looks over at me.

"Flynn" I say finishing his sentence.

"I thought y'all all went out a while ago. That's what they told me, you would be joining them" Dylan says.

"Thanks Dylan, I- we gotta go" Luke says grabbing my hand. We literally run to Luke's car and climb inside. As we start moving, I start looking for some answers.

"Luke, where are we going?" I ask, pulling my knees to my chest.

"A secret club" he answers.

Secret club? God, this can't get crazier

A/n: oh just wait Julie!

I'm so sorry I've been so inactive. I just lost a person very close to me and I've been a little bit of a mood I guess. Anyway, it'll get better over time.

I love you so much and just know that you are so important. You're here for a reason, don't ever forget that -R

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