Part 22: The Almost Wedding

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"A kiss at the derby is cute but this is perfect. More private" Gladys smiles, walking in with the camera crew. We have split apart and I already miss his touch but that's not what I need to focus on right now.

What do I even say? I- ugh why is this so hard?
I have no words, I can't speak.

"No" Luke says, obviously not having the same problem. Gladys looks taken aback by his words and the she laughs.

"Oh Luke, I know it's a little embarrassing but it's for the paper"

"No, I mean it Gladys. This is not for the papers" he says, waving between us. He stands in-front of me, his arm wrapping around my waist. I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Of course it is, this is all for the papers. The whole reason y'all are together all the time. Don't be silly" Gladys says. Excuse me, we aren't dolls or something. We're real people here, geez.

"No gladys, I'm done posing for the papers. I've covered the arses of all the people in this family. I'm done, I won't do it. Not with Julie"

Oh my god. He just- for me?

Gladys looks absolutely outraged and Luke does nothing else but take my hand and walk out. I have no choice but to follow. Once we're away from there, Luke stops and turns to me. He looks pissed, so pissed.

"I can't believe her!" He says, his voice definitely angry. I put my hands on his cheeks and drop them to his chest.

"Luke, it's okay" I say softly. He relaxes at my touch and puts his hands on my waist.

"I just- I don't wanna pose anymore Julie" he admits, making me blush all too much.

"Okay" I say, leaning in and kissing his cheek. I turn around and drag him towards the fields where we should currently be watching another horse race.

"I'm pretty sure you just told the royal family to screw off" I say, looking up at him as we walk.

"Not in those words exactly but yeah I think I did"

"What about everything, the apartment and school and just everything?"

"Maybe she won't tell them. It'll be okay, I promise"
We stop as I see Reggie angrily storming over here.

"Did you know that Fiona and Kayla were shagging?" He practically screams. I can see the anger and hurt in his eyes.

"What! No at all" Luke says. I don't say anything.

"Wait, did you know?" Luke ask me. I look down at the ground for a moment and then back at Luke.

"I-I saw them kissing one time. I didn't know about the shagging part. But the them part, yeah" I say, feeling bad about not saying anything.

But at the same time, it wasn't right to betray Kayla either.

"I'm so sorry Reggie, I-"

"DON'T" he screams in my face.

"Hey, don't yell at her. She didn't do anything wrong" Luke snaps at him.

"It's not fucking fair! You got Julie and Kayla took Fiona from me" he whines.

Oh come on, is he serious right now?

"We didn't even know that we felt-" Luke starts to defend.

"Save it Luke" he spits with so much whiskey on his breath, it could kill a horse.

"I'm supposed to be the prince, charming prince. Am I not the hot one? Am I not on a thousand girls walls?" He starts up again.

"Reggie, you need to sit down and drink some water" Luke says. Reggie just scoffs and ignores him.

"Don't tell me what I need to do. It's not fair. I love her" he starts.

No, no.

"Reggie don't" I warn him. This could go very badly, there's people all around.

"I can't hide it anymore Julie. I love Carrie. I'm in love with Carrie. And I'm so much better than Dylan. I'm funnier and better. I bought her a house and car for christ-sake!"

"You stole a car. Reggie, you need to stop" I say, trying to stop him, stop all this.

"No Julie, I FUCKING LOVE HER! Carrie should be mine. But she loves boring, plain Dylan. And I'm just stuck loving her in secret"

"What?" Dylan says from behind him. He turns around and then something happens we never would have imagined.

Perfectly nice, calm, plain Dylan punches Reggie right in the face.

Holy shit.

Back at the castle
"This is absolute mess y'all have created" the queen says, pacing around the front of the room.

We are currently meeting about today's...... events. Reggie sits at the edge of the room with an ice pack to his face. Me and Luke sit side by side as do Dylan and Carrie. Fiona and Kayla sit on opposite sides of the room. Gladys is beside the queen.

Quite a crew.

"Unfortunately , with the wedding only 2 days away. I'm not sure how or if we will be able to keep this from the headlines" Gladys says, her voice calm and proper as always. It's like she shows no emotion. Maybe this bunch should take a lesson from that.

"Here's what we shall do. Gladys will create a stir with Julie and Luke, maybe have Luke seen somewhere with another girl. Dylan will publicly apologize to Reggie. Fiona will be sent home and Kayla back to boarding school. As well as we will move the wedding, it will be tomorrow. That should create quite stir"

"What, but we planned-" Carrie starts but the queen interrupts.

"Carrie, darling hush. This doesn't involve you. You will do as I say" she says.

I scoff out loud and the queen glares at me.

"Do you have something you would like to say?" The queen ask, crossing her arms in the most motherly fashion.

"Yes yes I do. This is all bullshit. This is all fake" I say. The queen looks like someone slapped her.

"Excuse me, Julie"

"No, just stop. Stop faking everything. No one is perfect, everybody knows it. But this is crazy. The fake romances and coverups. Your sending your own daughter away because you can seek to focus on anything but Reggie and his mess of a life. Dylan is a nice, kind man and ever since he fell in love with my sister, you've resented your own son. You drag Luke into all your scandals because you people are messed up. I thought royals had to all together but that couldn't be further from the truth. You can't force people to fix all your problems! And another thing, don't talk down to my sister. She is the sweetest, kind-hearted people you will ever met and does everything to please you. But it will never be enough because nothing she does is enough for you, nothing at all is enough for you. This is just nuts, the whole thing and I rather not be a part of this" I say, spilling out words.

Everyone in the rooms jaws are dropped. Then Dylan stands up. Carrie grabs his arm and he gives her a assuring nod, she reluctantly let's his arm free.

"You know what mother, I'm not sorry I punched Reggie. He deserved it. Maybe he'll even learn a bit from it. Carrie and I have decide something along time ago, it's finally time to say it. We don't wanna get married, we wanna live. I wanna travel and be a actual person. It wasn't my choice to be royalty but this is my choice" he says probably showing the most emotion he ever has. Carrie smiles proudly and gives me a thankful look.

"If you do that, you will lose your spot as king" his mother says.

"Then give it away. I don't care, I won't be forced by you. I won't force Carrie for you" he says.

"Then it's settled. The wedding is off. I'll schedule a flight for the 3 of you back to LA tomorrow" she says, then leaves us all in this room.

"That is- umm quite a turn of events. You all enjoy your evening" Gladys says and walks out as well.

And that was the day of the almost wedding.


What's gonna happen? What about juke??

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