Part 18: Sister Bonding

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As we arrived at rose ridge and exit the car, no one saying anything. Carrie pulls me aside at the entrance.

Here we go.
"Julie, we need to talk about what happened" she says.

"What happened? Nothing. So we don't need to talk about it" I say back and walk inside. Before she can reach me, I'm up he stairs and heading towards my room. I keep on going until I run into.,...
Of course Luke.

"Oh, sorry Julie" Luke says helping me up.

"It's fine, I was just in a hurry to get changed and stuff" I say. His hand still holding mine, we stand there in an awkward silence.

"Well, I should probably let you do that" he says and lets me go. This time I full on run to my room and lock the door. As soon as I reach the bed, I collapse onto it.

"This is day has been as they would say, bonkers" I whisper to myself. With that, I get up and pick out a new outfit. Since I assume we won't be going out again today, I pick a pair of jeans, one of my t-shirts, and another black cardigan. 

I know, a show stopping outfit.

As I'm in the process of getting dressed, there's a knock at my door.

Maybe if I don't say anything, whoever it is will go away.

Knock knock.

Or maybe not.

"Julie, come on. It's me! Please open up" Carrie says. That makes me angry. I hear her knock again and decide to open it as she will never give up. I open up the door and give her a glare.

"Why are you glaring at me? I haven't done anything to you" she says.

"You don't understand at all!" I snap back.

"What is it that I don't understand?"

"How hard all this is. I have to be all royal and pretentious. YOU LITERALLY HAVE ME DATING SOMEONE. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation"

"No, you'd be in something ten times worse" she comments.

Ugh, what is her issue?

"What's your problem Carrie? Your always on me about the way I act or the way I dress or just everything I do. Why can't I please you or be enough for you?" I yell.

"You think all this is easy for me. You have no clue how hard this actually is. I know I've put you through a lot but I can't help it. I can't change the past" she yells back.

"Then just leave me out of your life. I don't wanna attend your stupid polo matches or fancy balls. I don't wanna be at some stupid, fancy castle. And I certainly don't wanna be around any of these people" I yell.

"Fine, you don't have to be. I'll send you home on the first flight tomorrow and you won't have to think of me at all. I won't even be your sister if you don't want me to" she screams and I back up, slamming the door. I hear her stomp off. I throw myself back onto the bed and feel tears dampen my cheeks. I lay there for what feels like an eternity. I hear a light knock my door and I don't move.

It's probably Alex or Reggie or Luke. They all think they can fix my problems and they can't. Especially Luke.

"Julie?" A female voice says. I sit up and turn around. It's Kayla.

"Oh hey" I sniffle, wiping my cheek.

"You okay?" She ask, coming over to me and sitting down.

"Yeah, it's just stuff"

"I heard Carrie talking to Dylan. You really wanna leave?" She ask, turning to me.

Royals Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon