Part 24: Surprise

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It's the morning after I get back, Flynn won't stop texting. She really wants to see me. Despite being so jet-lagged I can't think straight I deicide I should at least hang with her for a little bit.

Dylan and Carrie have rented an apartment in LA, not far from our house but they plan on traveling, seeing the world from outside the royal eyes.

The whole thing has been crazy. Im on headlines everywhere here and probably England too. Stories making me out to be a monster for breaking Luke's heart. Stories about me being a monster for yelling at the queen and blaming my family for Dylan stepping down. Maybe I am a monster, who knows.

"Hey, Flynn. Yeah, I'll come by. And yes I'll tell you everything" I say, taking to her on the phone as I get into my car. "Yep, yep. I'll be there soon" I say hanging up. I turn on the radio and listen to the words the announcer says.

'Sunset Curves song 'you are the music in me' hits the top 10 billboards at number 1'

Then it starts to play. I smile as I listen. He finally did it, his dream. I can't believe he actually do it! I'm so proud of him but a part of my heart breaks again.

God, I miss him.

I tried not to, really. I tried everything to stop it. But the more I tried not to think about him, he was on my mind that much more .

I pull up to Flynn's house and as soon as i get out of the car, Flynn runs to me. She hugs me like I've been gone for years.

"God, I missed you so much" she says as we pull back.

"Now you have to tell me everything about Luke" she says, saying his name songingly. I giggle and so does she as we walk into her house.

It's great to have my best friend back.

2 weeks later
It's been 2 weeks since I came back from barzoland, I've been trying to get back into my schedule and prepare for school which starts in 2 more weeks.
Currently, I'm working at music store again. Of course I don't need the job but it's nice to do something for myself. And besides, I think Mr.Gary secretly loves me. I'm playing around on my computer when someone rings the bell.

"Hello, welcome to music world. How can I he-" and I'm cut off by my complete and total shock. I blink a few times, making sure my vision is not messing with me. I mean my vision must be messing with me. It's supposed to be some old lady or teenage loner, not him.

"Hi! Do you know where the sunset curve CD's are?" He ask, giving his signature smile that my makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter all too much. The smile I saw that night which led me to believe he isn't as douche like as I thought.

"Wha-Wha-what are you doing here? Wh-wh-why?" I sutter out, still completely shocked. He smiles again and leans against the counter. I feel my heart beat faster and faster at his presence.

"I realized something after you left. Besides the fact I couldn't stop thinking about you. I realized how much I missed you and how I wasn't faking at all when it came to you. You said how you didn't know how I could do this and the truth is, until you it's been easy. So with that, I thought I'd visit this LA I've heard so much about" he says. My heart practically melts away at his words.

I want to say something, to find the words to tell him the exact same thing.

"What about school?" I say, still shocked he's here. I don't know how to process this. I thought I left that all back in England, at rosebridge. But he's right here.

I mean Luke's here in LA, looking at me with a look only he could give. Asking about his own bands CD.

"Well the more I thought about everything the more, oh how did some charming American girl put it 'a rich tie-wearing school with douchebag attendees who spit on poor-people' seemed to fit" he says and now it's my turn to smile. I can't believe he's here. I can't believe he came all the way from England.

"What does that mean?" I say, crossing my arms. I mean he works for the crown right? Doesn't he still work for them. Shouldn't he be there?

"I figured id take a chance my family never did and explore" he says, grabbing my hand.

"Well what's Reggie gonna do without his soul protector?" I joke.

"Probably throw wild parties and get 50 girlfriends" he says. I smile again. I just know I'm a blushing smiling mess and I'm happy no is around to see it.

"How long are you here for?" I ask, leaning against the counter as well.

"It's depends" He says.


"What the charming American girl wants" he says leaning closer to me. I feel my heartbeat out of my chest again. It's beating to fast, i think it could possibly beat straight out of my chest, just gone.

I know its sappy but I wouldn't even care. As long as I had Luke around, I'd be okay.

"You must have been under such a bad influence this summer" I say, smiling. He smiles too, making me swoon.

I can't stop smiling.

"Must have been. You know how commoners can be" he says with a laugh. He leans closer, almost touching my lips.

"So what does the American girl think? Huh Juliet?" He ask. I smile and grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him almost to my lips.

"She likes that idea" i whispers before kissing him. It's a long passionate kiss. His hands touch my cheeks and twirl some of my crazy curls.

And then here we are, kissing in LA at music world over the counter.

"NO PDA, NO PDA" Mr.Gary screams from his office. I pull away from Luke and look over at the office where Mr.Gary looks like he's gonna explode. I giggle and turn back to Luke.

"PDA?" He ask.

"It's this crazy thing. Ya know, displays of affection" I say and kiss him again. Now Mr.Gary bangs on the window making me laugh again.

"Is that a thing in LA? Not PDA-ing?" He ask.

"No, just music world. And probably like cemeteries" I say with a smile.

"Then can we please leave music world?" I nod and hop over to counter.

"I'd go anywhere with you" I say, pulling him down to me and kissing him again.

—————————- the end—————————————

I hope y'all liked this story bc I did!

I was kinda thinking about doing a 2nd one but I'm not sure.

But your gotta know dating a royal wrecker must be crazy so that could be fun. Who knows! -R

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