Part 20: You Love Her?

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"What am I gonna do Lex? I mean we almost kissed" I ask, looking up at Alex.

"I don't know but you gotta do something. What happen at the ball yesterday?"

Oh the ball.

"I thought he actually cared was what happened. Turns out it was just for looks"

"Maybe not, maybe he just couldn't admit his feelings"

"This whole thing is crazy. It's not like we can ever be together. It's all for show, to keep Reggie out of the headlines. It's messed up, I mean fake dating"

"Do you want to be together?" He ask, making me aware of my words.

"No-no, I mean yeah I think he's sweet and smart and funny even though he can also be like the biggest jerk ever. And of course he's super hot but no, it's all fake" I say, trying to convince him. Trying to convince myself just as much.

"Are you sure? Because I don't have much experience with relationships but it sounds like you both actually have feelings" he says.

"Why does this have to be so complicated" I whine, making Alex laugh "you only think this is funny because your in a commuted relationship and don't have to deal with this" I say, pouting.

"Okay mrs. Patterson"

"ALEX I SWEAR. I'll kill you" I say, giving my best threading face.

"Yeah whatever Mrs.Patterson" he smiles. I reach over and grab a pillow. I smack him with it and jump to the end of the bed.

"Oh it's on!" He says grabbing the pillow from his lap and hitting me.

Soon it's a full on pillow fight me until someone knocks on the door.

"Okay, truce. No more hitting" I say, holding my hands up and he nods. I walk to the door and open it.

"KAY!!" I scream, hugging her. "I thought you were getting sent to boarding school" I say, grabbing her hands and pulling her into my room.

"I was but I convinced mom to let me stay till after the wedding!" She says and I hug her again.

"I'm so happy your here, I was stuck with this guy" I say, gesturing to Alex. He does a fake offended face and rolls his eyes.

"Now that I'm here, tell me everything" she says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You assume I have anything to tell" I say, closing the door and sitting beside her.

"Oh, there's plenty. Don't let her lie" Alex says and I smack him in the arm.

"Seriously spill, I wanna hear everything"

The next day
I'm sitting in the library, reading by myself. I look up as I hear the door creak open and Reggie stands there.

"Great, I found you!" He says walking over to me. I close my book and look at him.

"Good job?" I say, confused "I wasn't aware that we were in a game of hide and seek"

He laughs a little before sitting beside me on the small couch.

"I need you"

"Reggie what?" I say. Before I even get a answer. He grabs my hand and pulls me out to his car. We get in and he zooms off.

"Reggie, what the heck is going on?" I say, buckling my seat belt.

"We're getting drinks"

"You know what will happen if the paparazzi assumes we're out together and catches us"

"Don't worry, it's super safe there. No paparazzi near"

Yeah right, but what can I do? Jump out of the car?

Maybe I can tuck and roll.

"Don't jump out of the car. It's not safe" Reggie says.

Can he read my mind?

"It's just one drink, I-I have to tell you something" he says, his voice a little shaky.

Why would he have to tell something to me?

At the bar
We pull down an alley way and he stops.

"Okay Reg, this is getting a little creepy" I joke.

"Just come on" he says, unbuckling and getting out. I follow him down the alley to a door. We open it and it leads directly to a bar. There's a few people but not many. We take two seats at the bar.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender ask.

"Umm I'll have my usual and she'll have a Umm-

"Lemonade. Just plain lemonade"

"Okay, whiskey on the rocks and lemonade coming up" he says and gets our drinks. I take a sip of my lemonade and watch as he downs an entire drink in one gulp. Geez he can drink fast. He taps the table and the bartender fills him up without question.

Okay, so he does come here a lot.

"So what is that you need to tell me?" I say, turning myself to him. He takes a deep breath and shakes our his nerves before taking another drink.

"You know, your sister is superb. She's great"

"You brought me all the way here to tell me how my sister is great?" I ask, laughing a bit. I hope that's not all, because that's ridiculous.

"No, I need your help" he says, a low voice.

"With what exactly? I'm not following"

"I-I love Carrie. I'm in love with her" he says and something inside me snaps.

The hell he does. I pick up my drink and throw it at his face.

"You ass, DON'T SAY THAT" I snap.

"Woah woah, what the bloody hell?" He snaps back, drinking in lemonade.

"You don't love her. I won't let you drag my sister into your stupid scandals and drama. You are a wreck and you won't wreck her" I snap again.

"I am so sorry Julie. I didn't mean to- I wish I didn't love her" he says and I realize how upset he actually looks. Now I feel bad.

"Sorry, I overreacted. We can talk about it" I say, sitting back down.

"I just- I don't know. She started being around a lot of the time and she was just so sweet to me. When she's around, I feel like being better. I hate it when she sees my screw up. All I want is for her to be happy though"

"Maybe you don't love her. Maybe just spending so much time with her and not having her is making you think these things, ya know?"

"I know what your saying but I love her. I really and truly do. I thought I could love you but- not that your not amazing- I just can't not love her"

"You really got it bad"

"Yeah, I know. And I have no idea what I'm gonna do about it" he says, gulping down his drink.

Maybe drinking does make things easier.

A/n: we're getting close to the end!

Any predictions on how it will end?

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