Part 6: Borrowed and Stolen

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"Julie, wake up" someone says, I blink my eyes groggily and then jump from my bed when I see who it is.

"Alex, hi. Uh good morning" I say, completely shocked. He's just sitting at the end of my bed.

"It's time for breakfast, you must get dressed" He says standing up from the bed.

"Oh okay" I look out the window and it's barely even sunrise.

"What time is it?" I ask, groaning as I sit up and flu my legs over the edge of the bed.

"It's 5:30 am, we get up bright and early" he smiles.

"Great" I say, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"I'll be right outside when your ready" he says, leaving my room.

Ugh, I have to get up. I wander from my bed and straight to my suitcase. I dig through it, trying to find something to wear.

Wait, am I about to meet the crown?

I pull out a dark blue dress mom got me years ago. I put it on with a black cardigan and black converse. I do some quick makeup and I'm out the door.

"Ready to go my lady?" Alex ask, extending his arm. I smile at him and take his arm. We walk through the million hallways as he goes on and on about different things.

We watch into the main area where we were yesterday. We walk past the door and into another hall but this one is bigger and leads to a room.

As I enter the room, I look around and to my relief it's just the people from yesterday. Dylan and Carrie have a seat beside them for me. I look at the other end of the table and it's Reggie, Luke right beside him. I try to avoid eye contact as I sit next to Carrie.

"You look nice" she says, giving me a grin. I look quickly over at the guys. My eyes meet Luke's and I stare back at my plate.

"So, Rosebridge. Is it what you excepted?" Dylan ask.

"Better, this is a lovely place" I say, giving my best fake smile.

To be fair, it is a lovely place. Just not so lovely when is prince assumes your here to sleep with him, or as they keep saying, to shag him. Or his best friend immediately hating you because of the same thing.

Yeah, that's not the best.

I take a drink of juice as they talk amongst themselves, I'm honestly shocked that anyone has this much to say in a morning. Maybe I'll get used to it?

"Julie, later today we'll be going out. Just you and me, unless other want to tag along" Carrie informs me, I nod my head turn my attention back to my food. It's all fancy and stuff, not simple and I have no idea what's in it. I push it around with my fork, trying to see when I hear Carrie's voice again.

"Would any of you like to join us?" She ask, looking at the group at the table. The royal wreckers to be exact.

"Oh, we would absolutely love too! Everyone needs a nice day out on the town" Reggie says, his perfect white smile flashes at me and Carrie. I smile slightly back and continue to examine my food.

A few hours later
I'm in the library and let me just say it's awesome.

I know it's kinda nerdy, loving reading but I just do. It takes you too another world, like your fighting in the hunger games or falling in love. It's totally crazy, being here though. This castle, Rosebridge, is definitely a different world. It's like I'm a different person and yet the same. It's quite wacko if you ask me.

I run my fingers across the spines of the books as dust flies off of them. I wonder how long it's been since they've used this library. I continue to walk and I see a small shelf that's much more new and bright. It's like 100% out of place, making me even more curious. I bend down and look through them.

They're all new romance novels. There's some smaller, less known ones and there are some I guess what you would call headliners. Whoever this is, must be a romance fanatic. They're everything from fault in our stars to red, white, and royal blue (which I find ironic)

"You can read one if you want" I jump and turn to see Luke standing at the edge of the door. He's doing like one of those cool guy leans but it's more sophisticated.

"Are these yours? Because you know what they say about hopeless romantics" I say, running my hand over the book in my hand.

"I don't, what do they say?"

"That they're hopeless obviously and annoying and very.. very.. prejudice" I say. A small smile forms at the corner of his mouth as he walks over to me.

"There actually the princesses, but she wouldn't mind. Plus, you'll be someone to talk to about them" He says from behind me.

I nod and look at the one in my hands, it seems to call me.

"Yeah, I think I'll read this one. So what's up?" I ask, shifting my weight to my other leg.

"Oh, carrie sent me to find you. I guess we're about to leave"

"Oh okay, let me go get my bag and I'll meet you out there" I say, going towards the doors.

"I'll come with you, so you don't get lost" he says following me. I shrug and we continue to walk.

In the car
"So, we're just gonna pick up a few things on Gladys' list" Carrie tells me as we pull up to a small town with little boutiques.

"And that is what exactly?" I ask, as we climb out of the car.

"She said you need a lot of base clothes such as jeans, leggings, dresses, shirts, and dresses" Carries says reading off a list.

"Woah woah, I have those. All of them"

"She surveyed your clothes and that's what she said. I'm just following instructions" Carrie says with a shrug. She goes into one of the boutiques and I stand there for a moment.

"You get used to getting bosses around by her. Don't worry" Reggie says, referencing Gladys. I nod and decide I should go inside.

This is gonna be a long day.

Later that day
As we're driving home after a long day of shopping for things I'll only ever wear here. We're finally on our way home. I stare out the window and feel my eyes start to get heavy.

"Where are we going? This is isn't the way to Rosebridge" Dylan says and Reggie smiles.

Oh no, not a royal wreckers plan.

"I have a surprise for you" he smiles.
Oh great.

As we pull up, we see a car parked in the driveway of this place. But it's not just any car, it's a rolls Royce. It's Carrie's dream car.

We all get out of the, if I'm being honest, limo and look at Reggie in confusion.

He smiles at us before early jumping in front of the crowd to explain.

"This is my wedding present to you!" He cheers, gesturing to the house.

"What? You bought us a house?" Carrie says.
He nods and jumps excitedly.

"And the car, I know it's your dream car Carrie. This is all y'all's. I hope you love it" he says. Carrie smiles and runs to hug him. I watch him closely, wondering what the heck he's up to. We all walk inside and the house is breathtaking.

Not quite, Rosebridge breathtaking but it's still beautiful.

He gives us a whole tour and as we arrive downstairs the ball drops.

"TRESPASSERS" the man yells.

A/n: I'm so sorry i haven't been able to update. This week has just been crazy, totally crazy.

But I'm back!

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