Part 7: A New Me

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"Excuse me? I think your the trespasser. This is our house" carrie says,  as the man carries on. I look back at Reggie and just then he walks towards the man. I take a deep breath and brace myself. Whatever happens, it won't be good.

"Sam, Sam. We talked about this" Reggie says putting his hand on the mans shohlder.

"No, we didn't. I never agreed to sell my house or my car. Y'all need to leave" The man says, his tone stern and angry.

"Sam, now don't be like this. We all know I bought the house"

"I didn't sell it" he yells. Reggie throws his hands up in frustration.

"He's not understanding, someone else try to reason with him" Reggie says, glaring at the man.

The man, sam I guess is his name furrows his brows in anger as Dylan goes to talk to him.

"Let's get going" Carrie says, waving us all out. We go out to doors and we're flooded by paparazzi. They cameras get shoved into our face and soon we're being swept away by guards who practically throw everyone into the car.

We sit in the car as the windows are tapped on and others wait outside the doors for Dylan to come. Carrie taps her foot nervously and bites her nails. I push her hand away from mouth and she gives me a thankful look.

"So does this kinda thing always happen?" I ask, looking at the window at the mob.

"More often then not" Reggie mumbles, his head layer against the door. We watch as Dylan comes out and is swarmed. He gives them his best press smile and waves then by.

Wow, he made that look easy as heck.

He climbs into the car and we drive away.

I look back at Reggie who is all mopey and nudge Carrie.

"What!" She mouths at me.

"Reggie" i mouth back and she turns to her attention to him.

"Reggie, that was a lovely gesture" she says, sounding fake as hel- anyway.

"No it wasn't. I screwed up, like always" he pouts and Luke rolls his eyes. She puts a comforting hand on his knee.

"I'm serious. It was nice of you to think of us like that. Thank you so much Reggie" she smiles and he seems to lighten up with her words. No one speaks the rest of the way to Rosebridge.

I'm just excited to sleep this day away. As we pull into the driveway of rosebridge, I see Gladys.

Oh great, whatever she's here for it can't be good.

"Oh, it's someone's makeover time" Alex jokes, pointing at me.

"No way, today's already been treacherously long" I whine and Carrie laughs.

"It's only 5 Julie. I know back in LA you were our past midnight" i bite my lip and groan. We all get out of the car and immediately all the boys except for Alex disappear. Gladys strides and I literally mean strides toward us.

"Julie, it's so nice to meet you" she says, smiling.

Everyone here smiles and it's just so weird because you know that no person could ever be happy that much or actually smile that much.

With the exception of Alex. He seems to be the only genuine one here.

"It's nice to meet you too" I say, knowing if I'm jot polite that Carrie will murder me.

"Did you get everything?" Gladys ask, die texting her gaze to Carrie.

"Yes, it's all the in back of the car" she says and the people behind Gladys flee to the back. I watch as they grab bags and Gladys watches them approvingly.

I guess they're her minions of some form. They return with their arms full. Dang, do I really need this much stuff?

"First we'll be fixing your hair" Gladys says as we walk into a giant room.

"What's wrong with my hair?" I ask, crossing my arms in defense.

"It's just a little too crazy for rosebridge. Your representing the crown now and you need to look the part as much as act it" i huff a little and she sits me down in a chair.

"This will be your new room, just down the hallway from your sister" she says "we have your whole wardrobe setup here" and the opens said wardrobe.

I blink a few times so my eyes will adjust. There's a million colors and prints. They're all so basic it pains me. The clothes are a mix of simple dresses, cardigans, tops and blouses, leggings, jeans, and skirts. Then there's my bag at the bottom, I'm guessing it's the don't wear out items. Beside the wardrobe is a little rack with small heels, flats, sandals, and my black converse. At least I get to keep those.

It's only for the summer i remind myself.

"Shall we get started?" She ask and I shrug.

Yay, makeover.

A few hours later
"Are you ready for the reveal?" Gladys ask.

This whole night has felt like something out of princess diaries. I pull off the eye cover and look in the mirror.

My jaw drops, like literally.

I look so-so- so different. My hair is straighten but slightly curled. All the dyed pieces are a solid black like the rest of my hair. They did my makeup all natural and super basic.

"Look what's behind all that hostilely and teen angst" Carrie sayings squeezing my shoulders.

"Personally, I thought the angst looked good too" Alex says "but she definitely looks more royal"

"We should give her a moment. Dinner will be happening soon, just one the other side of the hallway when your ready Julie" Carrie says and they all file out of my room.

My god, what have they done to me?

I have to text Flynn

F: yes?
J: they turned me. They princess diaries makeovered me
F: I don't think that's a thing
J: you sure? I'm pretty sure it is.
F: I wanna see
J: no, it's too embarrassing.
F: it can't be that bad
J: it is
F: I think you're being dramatic
F: maybe just a little though
J: nope, it's horrible
F: but your totally gorg girly
J: I hate you am
F: <3

I groan and shut off my phone. I check my reflection in the mirror again before I leave.

This is absolutely crazy.

A/n: TA DA ANOTHER PART. Wow it's crazy that can actually happen lol.

It's been one crazy week.

But I'm back sooooooo whoo! -R

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