Part 16: Family Fun

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A/n: who is excited for another part??

"We're doing what tomorrow?" I ask, choking on my drink. Dylan laughs a little bit, I'm sure I'm making a funny face but I'm genuinely shocked at what he said.

"We're going hunting, it's season here" Dylan says.

"Hunting isn't my thing. I can't kill animals like that" I say, shaking off the image of Dylan holding a dead deer or something. I mean he's so sweet, apparently maybe too sweet.

"It's not like that. We won't make you kill anything. It's a shooting range we love going too, just fake targets and stuff"

"But you said it's hunting season"

"It is, which is why it's open. We wouldn't actually kill animals, I don't think mother would have the heart" Dylan assures me.

"Okay, I guess that will be okay" I say.

"So what exactly are you doing?" Carrie ask, back to the interrogation that got us here.

"I'm going to Luke's" I say, trying to sound chill about it, so she'll be chill about it.

"Be careful. And be back before dinner okay?"

"I promise I'll be back before then" I say and run out the door.

I'm so excited, they're letting me drive! Like I don't have to be excepted, I get to drive there myself. It's such a privilege to be a normal human.

At his apartment
I pull up to the address he gave me and get out. It's fenced, which means I have to ring the door bell thing. I press it and a guy talks.

"Hello?" A old man says.

"Hi, I'm here to visit Lucas Patterson"

"Ma-Kay, apartment 27" he say and the gates fly open.

Okay then.

I walk around and finally find this apartment. With one knock, he opens the door. I'm a bit surprised, because well, he looks normal. He's in a t-shirt and jeans with vans on, not exactly his normal attire.

"Julie, you came!" He says.

"Of course I did, things at the rose ridge aren't popping exactly" I joke.

"Oh, I should probably let you in" he says, opening the door fully. I walk in and I'm shocked once again.

His apartment is super clean, very neat. Except for the loft part, it's a mess with his guitar in the corner.

We sit down on the couch.

"So" I say, trying to start a conversation. He says nothing back, okay not working.

"Luke, why I am here?"

"Because I want you to be" he says.

Woah, really?

"But why?" I ask.

"Because Julie, your leaving and I don't know what I'll do when your gone. I mean, we're friends. Will we stay in contact?"

"I haven't thought about it"

"Well I have" he says, looking down "a lot" he whispers.

And now again, we sit in silence.

"Then let's do something or we could even go out" I say, trying to get him to look at me. He looks up!

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