<1 - Red Lights>

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<Tommy's POV>

This is the second time I've been in my mum's lab.

The first time was on "take your kid to work" day and I got to see what they do...

I didn't understand it but I didn't dare question my mother. One of the other workers must have noticed my confused face and had explained.

She and her coworkers seemed to hurt these people because they're different.

But the person who explained said they were just helping them and that they, the hybrids, didn't know how much they needed it. Which is why they fight back sometimes. They said its like when I get shots at the doctors' office.

I understood but I still didn't like watching it...

This visit was different, though.

I have a fever. Meaning I can't go to school and my mom couldn't find anyone to watch me, so she had to take me with her.

So here I am.

Sitting in a room.


And bored out of my mind.

The room I'm in just has a bunch of chairs, a coffee table with a bunch of magazines on it, and a TV in the corner with some boring adult show playing.

My mom said it's, like, a break room or something?

After a while, my head started pounding.

Mom said she was in the next room over.... I'll go get her I guess.

She has checked up on me at least five times in the past hour. I honestly just wanted the attention those times, though.

I stand up and slowly walk to the door. I open it and look around. No one is in the room and there is a flashing red light.

I see one of those doors that can only be opened with a key card thingy, but it was cracked open a small bit.

I walk over and push it open the rest of the way.

I see people on the ground. Three to be exact. They aren't moving...

I know they work with my mom, as they have the same jacket thingy with their names on it.

I'm scared, but it's not like something bad happened..... right?

They are just sleeping.

They were just really tired and slept there.....

Yeah, that's what happen.

I try to convince myself of better things.

I hear some faint talking coming from the next room...

I cautiously walk to the door and open it. A large room with monitors on desks. It looks like a really big security room.

I look at the people talking. They didn't notice me walk in. Not yet, anyway. They're all wearing the same cheap outfit of just a white t-shirt and shorts.

My eyes drift to someone lying by the group. I freeze.

My mother is on the floor, her head covered in something red, and not moving.

By now the group has stopped talking.

"....m-mum?" I mumble.

I run up to her in tears and drop beside her.

"Mom! Wake up!! Please!! Its not funny!!" I shake her.

No. No shes not gone... she can't be... please wake up!!

I hear arguing, but I pay no attention to what they're saying.

Tears stream down my face as I hug her the best I could. I know she's gone. I just don't want to accept it.

Suddenly, something grabs my shoulder and pulls me back. I look to the source of the pulling and see a man with shortish blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Kid! The place is burning down. You need to get out of here." His voice is very calm but serious. "I'm really sorry about your mom, but we have to go. Come on." He starts to pull me in the direction the other people are going.

If he thinks I'm leaving my mom after she just died, he's fucken insane!

I kick and scratch at the man. Once I was free of his grasp, I quickly crawl backward under a desk.

It isn't until then that I notice the huge black wings on his back.


Suddenly, I remember the pounding headache I have that put me in my situation to begin with.

I put my bloodied hands up to my head. The pounding seems to mess with my vision as all I can see was a blur moving towards the desk I'm under.

Then everything goes black...


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