<5 - Questions>

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<Tommy's POV>

He's not human!??

They're all hybrids.... they're all gonna kill me!!

"Tommy? No, wait, I'm not a hybrid! It's just genetics- or uh, by blood!" Wilbur turns around.

I try to run from them through the doorway, but I'm instantly stopped by someone. I back up and look up at them.


It's the pink-haired kid from earlier. Technoblade? I think his name is.

I back into the far corner which isn't that far; Only a few feet.

(like a meter for you non-American readers)

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck-

He came down so I couldn't leave. They have me in one place. They're gonna fucken kill me!!!

No. Nononono-

Huh? What-

I feel.... warmth? Around me?

I open my eyes of which I didn't realize were closed.

I'm on the floor against the wall and Wilbur is on the ground with me.

He's hugging me.

Wait. Am I crying? My face is wet.

"Calm down, please. We're not gonna do anything to you. It's alright Tommy," His words are calm and soothing as he hugs me tighter.

I relax and slightly lean into him.

This is the first time in a while that I've gotten a hug that feels this real.

"You alright now?" Wilbur asks.

I nod slightly into his shoulder. He pulls back from the hug, but keeps his left hand on my shoulder. I nervously glance between the three of them.  Technoblade is leaning on the doorway and their dad is behind Wil.

"Why are you so scared of us?" Techno asks.

He seriously asked that? What the fuck!?

"Gee, I don't know. It's not like you killed my mother or anything..." I grumble quietly. "You could kill me too..."

"She tried to kill us, so, technically, it was self defense." Technoblade says, "Anyway, you're a kid and, even if you are an orphan, Dad won't let me kill you. And you're harmless, so it wouldn't be a very fun fight either way," He mumbles.

"I'm not harmless! I could fight you and win! Easy!" I argue with a lack of confidence.

"Sureeee," He drags out.

"Tech. Stop it," The man looks back to me, "Do you mind telling us what they told you in the lab?"

"...they said they were helping you guys... did they?" I answer and ask quietly.

"Uh- well, they- not exactly-" The man stumbles over his words.

"No. They weren't. Your mother, and every other person there, were testing on us against our will and treated us like lab rats. They aren't good people." Techno interrupts him.

"Techno! You can just straight up say that!" Wilbur yells at him.

"What!? I'm right, aren't I?!" Techno argues.

I was going to say something, but I instantly back out. Techno seemed barely surprised by this.

"You aren't gonna deny it...?" He asks with hint of curiosity.

"Did.... did they hurt you guys?" I ask quietly.

Techno was going to say something but the dad stops him with a single glare.

"What do you mean? Why would you ask that?" Wilbur asks in a concerned way.

I stay silent for a moment, "....it looked like they hurt you....at the lab..." I mumble.

Only Wilbur hears this, causing him to ask, "When did you see us in the lab?"

"It was the first time my mom brought me to work. It was take your kid to work day and I got to see what they did there..." I say a little louder so the others can hear.

"Huh, that's why you look so fimilar," Techno says, still leaning against the door frame. "I saw you that day when I went for testing."

When I look at each of their faces, they each show a mix of different emotions.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked?

"Uh... nevermind... sorry for asking..." I apologize.

"Oh, no. You don't have to apologize! Its alright, mate," The man in green states.

"Oh sor- er, uh," I look at the ground to avoid eye contact.

Wilbur laughs at me.

"You understand we aren't going to hurt you though, right?" The man asks.

".......yea... I guess so...." I barely say.

"Great! And you know each of our names right?" He continues.

"....uh kinda?"

"You know Wil, then there's Technoblade, and you can call me Phil," The man smiles.

I nod slightly.

"Are you hungry? I was about to make lunch," Phil asks.

"....um, kind of...."

Wilbur stands up and offers me a hand. "Come on then! I'm starving."


Thanks for Reading!! <3

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