<27 - Chaos and Ruin>

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Major TW: murder, gunshots, death

I don't normally do trigger warnings (which I really should) but I thought since this chapter gets heavy, I should add them. I'll add a short summary at the end for those who need to skip.

<Tommy's POV>

The hunters slowly and cautiously walk towards us.

"Run!" Tubbo yells and we bolt down the opposite way. Tubbo starts to turn down the correct way back to the villiage before I yank him back by his shirt.

"We can't just go back! They'll follow us and that'll put everyone in danger!" I say as I pull them both down another way.

"But what about us?!" Tubbo exclaims.

"We- we'll figure it out!" I decide as I lead them down another tunnel. We take another turn but end up at a dead end.

"What do we do?!" Tubbo asks.

The hunters' footsteps and yelling can be heard growing closer.

"I- I don't know!" I say with a shakey voice.

They watch in horror as the light from their torches grow bigger.

"Wait! I can teleport!" Ranboo suddenly speaks up. "That's how I got here in the first place."

"WHAT!?" Me and Tubbo exclaim in unison causing Ranboo to wince back a bit.

"You bring that up now!?" I scold.

"I'm sorry! I have really bad memory loss!!" He exclaims. The hunters grow closer by the second. "Hold my hand! Quick!"

Tubbo takes one of his hands, but I hesitate. "I dunno, Boob man. At least take me to dinner fir-" I start to joke but Tubbo smacks me on the back of my head.

"Not the time, Tommy!" Tubbo scolds.

"Right, right. Sorry," I apologize before taking Ranboo's hand.

There's an odd flash of purple particles around us causing me to close my eyes. When I open them again, I have to blink multiple times to adjust to the lighting.

Tubbo grabs our hands. "Come on! We have to tell someone!" Tubbo says before running and dragging us towards the Dream Team who seem to be arguing. Once we're in front of them, we all try to explain at once causing our words to blend together and be ineffective.

"Hey, one at a time! Tubbo, what happened?" George speaks up.

"There's hunters in the maze!" Tubbo reports, "They're in a bunch of groups and they're after Tomm-"

Suddenly an explosion goes off, gaining everyone's attention. Everyone looks towards the maze and sees multiple people running through.

Not just people.


Everything turns to chaos. Most people are running away, others are trying to save their children or friends. There's people screaming and yelling.

"George!" Dream yells.

George quickly grabs us and takes us behind one of the buildings while Dream and Sapnap try to fend off the hunters. "Are you okay?" The brunette asks once we're safe.

Me and Ranboo nod.

George looks around in panic. "Where's Tubbo!?" He asks as he stands up and continues to look around.

Oddly enough, the fighting goes quiet and a loud voice can be heard.

"We are here for only one person, or kid: Tomathy Innit Simons. We know you're here, so come out right now and no one will get hurt," they announce.

My face turns pale as I seemingly stare at nothing.

"Let me rephrase that: If you don't come out and surrender, we are going to start killing each and every one of these hybrids you seem to care about," it taunts the threat.

I look at George, as he is the 'adult' here, and silently ask him what to do. He looks back at me. He shakes his head and brings a finger to his lips.

A gunshot is heard, making me jump and some people scream. One screaming person stands out. Tubbo. I quickly stand up and peek around the corner. There are hybrids, probably the closest ones the hunters could grab, lined up on their knees. One lays dead as one of the men moves towards the next.


Tubbo's in line.

Tubbo's gonna die.

Another gunshot vibrates the ground.

Tubbo is next in line now.

I hear him scream again as the hunter places a gun against the back of his head. George grabs my shoulder and pulls me back. I quickly shake his hold off of me and look back at them.

"S- stay he- here," I say, my voice shakey as ever. I'm trembling as I quickly run out in front of them. "DO- DONT KILL HIM!!" I yell out.

The hunter pulls the gun away from Tubbo as another hunter grabs me and ties my hands together awfully tight in front of me.

"We got what we need! Let the others know so we can get out of here!!"

I look back at Tubbo. He looks at me with pure terror in his eyes and tears streaming down his face. 'I'm sorry,' I mouth out, hoping he can understand. My eyes dart to the dark green character moving swiftly towards Tubbo.


Shit- wait!

"DREAM DON'T-" I try to yell but I'm yanked forward from the hunter pulling on my tied hands.

"Shut it, brat!" He snaps.

I look up to see Dream being shot with a pink dart instead of a bullet and falling to the ground.

"DREAM!!" Tubbo yells, but before he can run to his brother, Sapnap graps him and holds him back. Tubbo continues to scream and cry but eventually gives up and sobs into Sapnap's shirt.

"Take the confident one with us for some spare cash," the presumed 'leader' states. The hunters run over to tie up Dream's hands aswell and take him with us through the maze.

Other groups meet with the group me and Dream are in causing the escape probability to lower significantly.

Well, fuck.


Quick Summary: Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbk teleport back to the villiage and try to warn the Dream Team. Hunters come through and unalive two hybrids before threatening Tubbo's life. Tommy steps out before they hurt him. Dream tries to grap Tubbo and gets hit with a sleepy dart and is taken with the hunters and Tommy.

Things are getting interesting...

Thanks for reading!! ^^

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