<18 - Pep Talks with Techno>

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<Technoblade's POV>

It's late at night and everyone's in bed.

I'm, instead, downstairs in the kitchen reading my book. The voices have been quiet lately, so I'm enjoying the peace while I can.

I still don't understand why Phil is so keen on protecting Tommy.

He's a child.

And an orphan.

And a human.

He's a human-orphan child.

Not only that, but he's a child whose mother is a main operator of a hybrid lab!

This kid is going to be the death of us all.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

They're quiet, so they can't be Philza.

Maybe Wil is sneaking out?

But they're also small, so it can't be Wilbur.

Which only leaves-

"Oh- uh- Hi, Techno..." Tommy stops in his place upon seeing me, giving me a small wave.

"What are you doing awake?" I ask with a slight glare.

Primes, I feel like a parent...

Wait, this is what Phil goes through everyday?

Ugh, its awful!

"I couldn't sleep, so I was going to see if I could get some water..." Tommy answers quietly.

I sigh, "glasses are in the top, far left cupboard." I look back to my book.

It's quiet for a moment before I hear Tommy sit across from me at the table.

I look over my book at him and see no cup near him on the table. I then look behind me at the cupboard where the cups are.

Oh. Right.

He's a child.

Children are short.

"Do you need help reaching the cupboard?" I look back at him.

"What? No! Of course not. I'm a big man and I'm tall enough. I'm just not thirsty anymore," Tommy claims.

"Really?" I ask, unamused, causing him to give a little 'yup' in confirmation.

I place my book down and walk over to the cup filled cabinet. I grab a cup and fill it with water for Tommy.

I sit back down at the table and give Tommy his water. Tommy looks from the water to me then back to the water before taking a drink of it.

"Thanks," I hear him mumble.

"I thought you weren't thirsty?" I tease.

"You went through all that trouble to get it, so..." Tommy comes up with an excuse. "I might as well drink it."

"It's okay to ask for help sometimes, y'know," I say without looking away from my book.

We sit in silence for minute or two before Tommy speaks up, "Hey, Techno?"

I hum in acknowledgment.

"How did you guys escape?" He asks.

I lower my book slightly and glare at him, "Why do you wanna know?"

What's he trying to do? Get information for his mom or-

Oh wait, his mom's dead.

"I dunno..." He takes another sip of water.

"Are you trying to be a spy and get information for someone or something?" I tease.

"What? No! I was- I was just curious. I- you don't have to answer! It was just-" the kid stutters at the accusation. "Nevermind. Forget I asked."

I sigh and pick up my book again. Might as well say something. It's not like he's gonna get out with me around anyway.

"We had people sneaking notes in and out. Then, we eventually started sneaking the kids out. After a while, we made our big escape. We barely made it out. If it wasn't for your mother being distracted that day, we wouldn't have made it," I shrug.

Tommy visibly tenses as he just stares at the water in his cup.

"What's wrong?" I raise a brow.

"I- uh... I think I was.. the distraction..." Tommy mumbles and avoids eye contact.


I set my book back down. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"I was the reason my mom was distracted... I kept bugging her because of my stupid fever for attention... meaning it- it's my fault she's dead," Tommy explains in an almost choked up manner.

So... Tommy is the reason we escaped?

Hm.. guess he's not as useless as I figured.

Tommy looks up at me. "But you guys escaped, so that's good, right?"

"Yeah, that's great. It was hell in there..." I state.

"But if I hadn't been so dramatic then you guys wouldn't have to deal with me, right?" He asks.

I think about it for a moment before nodding.

"Guess I'm a screw-up both ways," Tommy laughs slightly before biting the inside of his mouth. "Everything bad is my fault..." Tommy mumbles.

"That's not true," I state, "As much as I hate to admit it, you actually make things better here."

Tommy lightly scoffs, "Like what?"

"Wilbur is a lot happier. Like I told you, he's always wanted a little brother."

"But he's in a fight with Dream because of me," Tommy dismisses.

"Phil has always wanted another son," I claim.

"Yeah, but I'm kind of a bad kid and a disappointment or whatever and the whole town looks down on him now," Tommy disagrees.

"What about Tubbo?" I question.

"What 'bout him?" Tommy asks.

"He has a friend. Tubbo doesn't normally have friends. Especially ones that stand up for him," I answer.

"Yeah, but- but he-" Tommy sighs. "Fine, you win."

"Oh, yay. Didn't know we were playing a game," I tease and pick up my book again. "Things are better with you here, Tom. No matter how much I hate it."

Tommy stands up and walks over to the sink. He reaches his hand over to place his cup in it and walks towards me.

He stands there for a moment before quickly hugging me and mumbling a quick, "thanks". Then he runs back upstairs and, hopefully, to bed.

Strange kid...


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