<6 - A New Friend?>

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<Tommy's POV>

Phil gives each of us a sandwich for lunch.

Afterwards, Wilbur remembers something. "Oh right, I have to meet up with Niki today. Hey, Tommy? You wanna come with me?"

I unsurely nod.

"Just make sure you both get home before dark. And make sure you know where Tommy is at all times, okay? I don't want anyone finding him and you not being there," Phil says.

"Alright, c'mon then!" Wil smiles.

I put my shoes on, so does Wilbur, and we walk out the door.

I'm in awe from the beautiful landscape and scenery the village is covered in.

"And Tommy? Please stay close to me, okay? I don't want someone else getting a hold of you," Wilbur reasons before holding out his hand for me.

I nod and place my hand in his.

There are other people here than just the ones from my mom's lab. It isn't just a village, it's more of a large community.

I stay close to Wilbur as we walk into the town square. Wilbur leads me into a small bakery. The sweet smell of baked goods fills the air.

"Hey Niki! Sorry, I would have gotten here sooner but I kinda got distracted," Wilbur apologies as we walk in.

"Hi Wil! That's alright!" A kind looking woman from behind the counter, Niki, greets Wilbur.

She has bleach blonde hair, round glasses, and pretty brown eyes. She has what looks like small scales on her face.

She looks down at me. "Awe, is this the kid you guys took in?" She asks with a smile.

"Yeah. He's a bit scared of everyone though. It took all morning for me, alone, to gain a little bit of his trust," Wilbur laughs slightly.

"Awwe, poor kid," She comments. Niki walks around the counter and crouches in front of me. "Hi buddy! I'm Niki!" Her smile was very sweet and kind.

"...I'm Tommy," I smiles slightly. "...Are you a hybrid, too?" I ask cautiously.

"Yeah I am! Everyone here is a hybrid. I'm a mermaid," She answers enthusiastically.

"But, don't mermaids have to stay in water? Or else they, like, can't breathe or something?" I question.

"Yes, actually. You're correct on that. But as long as I keep drinking water, I'll be alright!" She answers.

I nod. She stands up straight again.

"Is it just you working today?" Wilbur asks.

"Kinda, I'm watching over Tubbo for Dream, today. He's in the back," Niki gestures to the backroom.

"Hey Tommy? Why don't you play with Tubbo while I chat with Niki?" Wilbur suggests. I give him an unsure look about it.

"He's around the same age as you, so I think you two will get along well. C'mon! I'll introduce you!" Niki starts towards the counter again.

I look at Wilbur, whom of which nods for me to go. I follow Niki into the backroom.

There are boxes of ingredients and everything you would need for baking.

"Hey Tubbo! How are the cookies looking?" Niki asks and the boy sitting at the table perks up.

"Good! I only have 3 left!" He exclaims with a big smile. He looks at me and quickly hops out of his chair.

"This is Tommy. He's with Wilbur." Niki says sweetly.

"Hi!" Tubbo says very enthusiastically, "I'm Tubbo! Wanna be friends?!"

"Um, sure," I smile.

"Why don't you two finish frosting the cookies while me and Wil talk? And once you're done, come get me and I'll give you both a treat as payment!" Niki smiles.

"Okay! C'mon Tommy!" Tubbo grabs my hand and walks toward the table.

"Okay, you two have fun. I'll be out here if you need me!" Niki says as she leaves the backroom.

"I already frosted four of the cookies, but there's still three left! What color do you want?" Tubbo holds up a couple frosting bags with the tips cut.

"Can I have red?" I ask, pointing to the colored icing I want.

"Sure! You can color this cookie! I'll color this one!" Tubbo hands him a red pipeing bag and starts to frost his cookie. Tommy starts to add the icing to his cookie.

"How old are you? I'm nine!" Tubbo starts a conversation.

"I'm eight..." I respond.

"What's your favorite color? I like yellow," He continues.

"I like red."

"What kind of hybrid are you?"


It was bound to happen wasn't it?

"Oh uh, I'm... not.. a hybrid..." I mumble and nervously look a him.

Tubbo stops and looks at me with his head slightly tilted, "Wait, really!? You're completely human!?"

"Uh, yeah..." I back up a step.

"You don't seem mean?" Tubbo looks confused.

"Mean? Why would I be mean?" Now I'm confused.

"Well, the humans from the lab are really mean to me and my brother... and Dream says that I shouldn't trust full humans... But you seem really cool so I don't care! I still wanna be friends!" Tubbo goes back to frosting the cookie.

"He's not wrong. You shouldn't exactly trust everyone..." I mumble. "You're a goat hybrid, right?"

"Yup!" He answers.

"Wait, who's Dream?" I look at him.

"Oh that's my brother's name!"

"Oh, cool."


Thanks for reading!!

Why Didn't You Leave Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora