<29 - Jailbreak>

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<Tommy's POV>

The truck doors slam open. I quickly close my eyes and cover them to avoid being blinded by the light flooding in from outside.

"C'mon! Get out of the damn truck!" Someone yells.

I open my eyes back up and adjust to the light as Dream glares at them, but he quickly stops and smiles once he sees who they are. He rushes to get out of the truck. Dream practically jumps to hug one of the people.

Hug? Wait-

I look closer at the person Dream is hugging. They have brown hair, a beard, and large ram horns on the side of their head.

Wait- a hybrid?!

The ram hybrid is hugging Dream back very tightly and kissing the top of Dream's head as he mumbles comforing things to him.

Is that Dream's dad?

They seem... close.

Wish I still had a dad...

Well, I guess I do...

But he's, like, kind of a dick and trying to do this experiment on me so...

"C'mon, Tommy! Let's go!" The other figure exclaims.

I look at who it is only to see someone I really didn't expect.


Why would he be here?

Probably to get Dream back.

I should probably get out of the truck...

I crawl towards the exit of the truck. Once I'm close enough, two arms quickly grab and drag me out of the vehicle into a tight hold.

"Are you okay?! I was so worried about you!" Phil exclaims as he hugs me tight and close.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Phil," I say. "Why are you here?" I give him a confused look.

"To save you of course! You think I'd just let my son get taken away into another lab?!" Phil exclaims, almost insulted by the question.


But... Wil and Techno weren't taken.

Is he talking about me?

No... he can't be... right?

"Hate to break this up," Dream's dad starts, "but we need to get out of here. We're dangerously close to another lab and we don't want to risk someone seeing us."

Phil sets me down on the ground and wraps one of his wings around behind me. "I agree we should get out of here, but-" I zone out of the conversation. I look behind phil's wing and beside the truck. Five men, the same that killed the two hybrids and threatened to kill Tubbo, lay dead on the ground.

I look up slightly at the movement in the woods. Multiple figures are running towards us. One aims a crossbow at me and shoots. I hold my arms up in defences, causing the dart to hit my arm again.

I quickly turn around, "Run!" I manage to say before my surroundings fade into black fuzziness.

<Dream's POV>

Tommy just passed out!

What the fuck!?

Wait, pink dart- Hunters! FUCK!

"We have to go! Now!" I state, looking back to my dad. "Get Tommy and let's go!"

Schlatt grabs my arm and starts to pull me in a direction I'm guessing they came from. I look back at Phil. By the time he tries to pick Tommy up, the hunters are already there.

Schlatt quickly jumps forward and grabs Phil's shirt, pulling him back, before his wing could get shot by one of the pink darts. Schlatt drags me and Phil into the woods, leaving Tommy to fend for himself.

The hunters don't chase us back. I guess they really did only want Tommy...

We run back to Ayrelia. Well, more like me and Dad having to drag Phil with us as he kept trying to go back for Tommy. I don't blame him, though. But it's a stupid idea when there are so many of them and only few of us. His bird instincts must be putting him through hell right now.

We run in and I quickly engulf Sapnap and George into a tight hug as soon as I see them.

"Holy shit, Dream! Are you okay!?" Sapnap asks, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm perfectly fine," I answer with a laugh.

"DREAM!" I hear a small voice call before a short figure headbutts into my side for a hug.

"Tubbo, buddy! Are you okay? They didn't hurt you after they got me, right?" I ask, kneeling down to hug the kid back.

"No! They just took you and Tommy. Sapnap grabbed me and watched over me shile you werr gone and I was so scared that you were gonna be stuck there forever and I wasn't ever gonna to see you again and- and-" Tubbo begins to tear up.

"Nononono, it's okay! I'm okay! I'm right here!" I hug him tighter as I comfort the boy. "I'm so glad your safe."

"I'm glad your okay, too!" Tubbo says before realizing and pulling away from the hug, "Wait- where's Tommy?!"

I sigh, "The men grabbed him before we could bring him with us. I'm sorry, bud."

"WHAT!? But- Did you even try to save him!? I know you hate him, but you can't just f-fucking leave him!" Tubbo grows angry with me as he hesitates to say the swear word he most likely learned from Tommy.

"Tubbo! I-" I exhale, "I'm sorry for how I treated him. He's your friend and I should have seen how much you care for him. But we genuinely wanted and tried to save him," I state and apologize for my behavior.

"Really?" Tubbo asks.


"But the experiment!! They wanted Tommy for his blood or something and what if they hurt him like they hurt us!? Or- or what if I never see him again!? Or what if they- they k-" Tubbo spirals, tearing up again.

"Tubbo!" I interupt him before he can even fully process the thought he was about to say, "I know about the experiment and everything. Tommy told me all of it," I reassure my brother. "We're gonna get him back, okay? And everything is going to be just fine."

Tubbo nods and hugs me again.

"DREAM WAS-FUCKEN-TAKEN!" I hear my name being yelled. I quickly stand up and see Wilbur and Technoblade charging at me.

Wilbur marches up to me and pushes me back before grabing the collar of my sweatshirt. "Where the fuck is my little brother?" He hisses through his teeth.


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