<12 - Bodyguard Duty>

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<Tommy's POV>

"Dream," Wilbur coldly greets.

"Wilbur," Dream responds with the same energy. "What brings you here?"

"This is from Techno," Wilbur harshly hands the paper to Dream.

"Ah, thanks," Dream looks from the folded piece of paper to me. "I see you're still letting him out..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wilbur glares daggers at Dream as the brunette slightly pulls me behind him.

"Nothing. Just surprised you would let a human walk around. He could easily get hurt... or hurt someone else..." Dream turns to face in my direction.

I smile at him from behind Wilbur.

He scoffs causing my smile to falter.

"Why can't you just leave him alone?!" Wilbur yells.

"Because he's a human! He's not one of us!" Dream argues. "You wouldn't understand because you're younger!"

Wilbur and Dream start to argue.

I feel a small tug on my shirt. I look to see the cause of it and see Tubbo.

"C'mon! Let's go play!" He whispers.

No one is paying attention so I quickly follow Tubbo to some flower bushes by the swings. We start talking and playing with the bumblebees.

I look over to Wilbur and Dream again. Dream's other two friends look like they are trying to calm him down.

One friend has longish black hair which was held out of his eyes with a white bandanna. He wears a black long-sleeved shirt with a white fire print shirt over top. He also has baggy black pants and checkered sneakers. He has two horns separating his hair and demon tail. So, a demon hybrid.

The other friend has brown hair with round white glasses placed on top of his head. He wears a blue t-shirt with a red box in the middle and some plain blue jeans. His nose has a pinker hue than a normal human's and his movements are almost soft, never jagged or sudden. Lamb hybrid I'd guess?

"Hey, Tubbo?" I ask gaining the goat's  attention.

He hums and looks up from the messy flower crown in his hands.

"Who are those guys? With Dream and Wilbur?"

He looks over to the older boys.

"Oh, they're Dream's friends. The demon is Sapnap and the other is George. He's actually a lamb hybrid. Dream teases him a lot for it," Tubbo enthusiastically answers.

"That's cool. Do you ever-" I start but am rudely interupted.

"Guys, look! It's the bee freak!!" Some stupid donkey hybrid yells and points toward Tubbo.

A bunch of kids start laughing.

"Awwe, did you make a flower crown? How cute!" The kid snatches the masterpiece out of Tubbo's hand and holds it up high so he can't reach. The bully is taller than Tubbo, yet shorter than me.

"Give it back!!" Tubbo complains.

"Why? Are you gonna play dress up as well?" The kid teases as he pushes Tubbo into the dirt, causing him to look down in embarrassment.

I stand up and push the stupid kid to the ground.

"Piss off, ya prick!!" I yell.

This angers the kid as he stands up and glares at me.

"Who are you? A new skinny kid in town?" He mocks.

"I am actually! And if you don't leave me and my friend alone, I'll beat the shit out of you!" I threaten.

"You? Beat me? Pfft- as if! You don't even look like a hybrid!" He scoffs.

"Yeah? That's 'cause I'm not! I'm a human! I'll bite all of you and your stupid jackass friends' fingers off!" I push the kid back again.

All the kids' eyes filled with fear once they realize what I said. Suddenly, they start screaming and running away from us.

The kid that bullied Tubbo steps back and trips on basically nothing.

Ha, what an idiot.

"Y-you're a monster!!" He yells as shuffles backward. He eventually stands up and runs the opposite direction while screaming for his mom.

Ha! What a pussy!

I look back to Tubbo who is still on the ground looking at his flower crown. Most of the flowers are crushed and some had fellen out.

I sit down in front of Tubbo and pick it up.

"It still looks pog, boss man!" I place the crown on his head where it rightfully belongs.

"Thanks," Tubbo smiles. "Were you actually going to eat their fingers?" He looks slightly concerned and disgusted.

"Ew, no! I know you guys see us humans as monsters but honestly! That's disgusting!" I exaggerate, sticking my tongue out.

"Tommy!?" Wilbur calls from behind me. "What happened? Why are the kids screaming? Are you okay?" Wilbur worriedly asks as he pulls me up off the ground.

Dream copies Wilbur's actions and helps Tubbo up as well, along with dusting the dirt off of him.

"Yeah, we're fine! I just had to scare some of those jerks away," I explain.

"What do you mean you scare them away?" Wilbur looks confused.

"He told them that he would bite off all of their fingers 'cause he's human," Tubbo explains for me.

"Why, though?" Wilbur continues to ask questions.

"Because they were being jerks to Tubbo! They called him a 'bee freak', and stole his crown, and pushed him into the dirt!" I angrily explain further.

"They what?!" Dream exclaims.

"Yeah! But I'm okay now! Tommy saved me!" Tubbo smiles.

"See, Dream? Tommy isn't a threat to Tubbo. I don't see why you won't just let them be," Wilbur sternly states.

Dream heavily sighs and takes Tubbo's hand. "C'mon, bud. We're leaving."

"Don't just ignore me," Wilbur glares.

Dream looks at Wilbur.

"I don't because he's a no good, filthy, fucken human just like that bitch he calls his mom! And that's all he'll ever be!" Dream yells at Wilbur. "Tubbo might not have friends, but I'm not letting him hang out with a backstabbing human!"

Dream looks down at me.

"You will never be seen here as anything but a nuisance and a burden we have to deal with," Dream coldly states.


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