<37 - Family>

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<Tommy's POV>

"Yeah.... this definitely isn't good."

Dr. Pink, or Ponk maybe? Is looking over me and my new wings and ears and stuff.

"With the information that George provided me, the sugar he consumed caused the deformations in his wings and a part of his left ear," Dr. Ponk informs Phil.

"How would sugar affect that?" Phil asks with a confused look.

"Tommy, here, has naturally low blood sugar. When they took his blood as a baby, he must have had a lower blood sugar. So, when they finished it and gave it to him now, his higher blood sugar didn't mix and work as well as it should've," the docter explains. "Although, that is just my best logical theory according to the given information." Dr. Ponk looks to Phil and asks, "Philza, mind if I speak with you outside the room for a moment?"

Phil looks to me, "Will you be okay alone in here?"

"Yeah," I answer before Phil nods and leaves the room with Dr. Ponk.

Dr. Ponk pulls the door behind him but it doesn't fully close, leaving a small crack for sound to escape through. They talk quietly, but with these new ear things, I can hear them perfectly.

I can hear Wilbur and Techno quickly stand up from their seats. "Is he okay?" Wilbur asks.

"He's perfectly fine. Don't worry," Dr. Ponk reassures, "He's just a little sore and little traumatized. I wanted to talk to you about his hybrid side, but I didn't want to freak him out or discourage him."

"Okay? What is it?" Phil asks.

"Well, there's good news and there's bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" He asks.

"Bad," Techno speaks up before Wilbur or Phil.

Dr. Ponk sighs, "His wings aren't going to form right even after being fully healed, which means he won't be able to fly or use them properly. At the right angle, he might be able to glide, but that is all he would be able to do."


If I can't fucken fly then what the fuck is the point of having wings?!

I can only GLidE!

That's bullshit...

"The good news is, because it causes him no pain, discomfort, or endangerment towards his health, we don't need to remove them," Dr. Ponk reports.

Phil sighs in relief.


What would be so bad about removing my wings?

They don't even work!

"What's so bad about removing his wings?" Wilbur asks as if reading my mind through the wall. "His wings don't work anyway?"

"Yes, but it is a very painful and unpleasant process to remove an avian's wings. Not just for the docters, but the patient as well," The doctor answers.

"Oh.." Wilbur mumbles.

"About his hybrid instincts, there isn't enough information to tell whether or not this will allow him to have any as this all new to us docters," Ponk informs. "But other than that, he's been healing just fine and quite quickly in the past twelve hours. He should be okay to go home with you guys," I can hear the smile in their voice. "Just keep him fed and well rested. Oh, bring him back in a week or two to make sure nothing else comes up and everything should be fine."

"Thanks, Ponk. You're the best," Phil states before there are footsteps going down the hall.

Phil walks back into the room with Wilbur and Techno trailing behind him. Wilbur walks towards me to give me a quick hug.

"So... I can't fly?" I ask and look towards Phil who looks severely confused and concerned. "The door was cracked and you guys were talking kind of loud."

"We weren't talking loud. I think that's just your raccoon ears working," Techno comments with a scoff.

I roll my eyes and look back to Philza. He sighs, "No, you can't fly, you can glide, but even then it's severely dangerous because you have to get the right angle.

"Well, that would've been a little helpful when I fell out of that damn tree," I grumble.

Phil snorts, but tries, and fails, to conceal his laugh. Phil looks towards his watch. "Oh, it's about dinner time by now. We should start heading home then, huh?" Phil questions.

Techno lifts me off of the docter's table thingy and gently sets me on the ground. "Yes, please," I say.

"Okay- Wait a damn minute! You haven't eaten anything in, like, three days?!" Phil exclaims.

Wilbur and Techno start laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask and look up at them.

"Phil's bird brain is kicking in," Wilbur snorts.

"He's gonna be all mother bird over Tommy now that he has wings," Techno comments.

"Oh, shit! Do you thinks he's gonna do the nest thing?!" Wilbur asks and looks at Techno with a smile.

"Oh, nooo. Not the nest!" Techno laughs.

"Shut up! Both of you, you little shits! At least I don't horde all the gold in the house," Phil states as he lightly hits them in the head. "Come on, Tommy. We're getting you some food."

"Yeah, but then you steal all the shiney things," Wilbur teases. "Like my fucken pen! I still haven't got that back!"

"Shut," Phil laughs.

I just watch as they bicker back and forth while we walk home.

"Wait, what about Tommy?" Wilbur asks, "What if he has insticts?! He'd be an avian and a raccoon!"

"Oh, shit. Welp, say goodbye to your things, Wil," Techno ruffles my hair. "We're gonna have a little theif on our hands."

"Awww, I just got new picks!" Wilbur complains.

Phil chuckles, "now you'll see what I had to deal with while you guys were growing up."

"We weren't that bad!" Wilbur states.

"Oh, yes you were!" Phil denies, "not a single shiney yellow thing was left anywhere in the house except for your guys' room."

Tommy just laughs with his family.




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