<38 - Thoughts and Phil>

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<Tommy's POV>

I'm basically finished with the food Phil frantically gave me, as if I was going to die, when I yawn.

"Tired, mate?" Phil asks.

"No! I don't get tired," I deny.

Phil chuckles, "Alright, if you say so. But you should probably head to bed. You need rest to heal up," Phil suggests.

I take my last bite before standing up with my plate in hand. I walk over to the sink where Phil takes the plate out of my grip.

"You head upstairs and get settled, yeah? I'll be up in a minute to help you out with your wings," Phil smiles.

"Okay..." I mumble before heading upstairs. Once in the hallway, I stand outside of Techno and Wilbur's room.

Should I knock?

Or should I just go to the other room?

Uhhh... it sounds quiet in there...

Maybe their sleeping already.

Nevermind, I'll just go in the other room.

I walk into the spare room, which Wilbur claims to be mine. I change into some pajamas and hop onto my bed. I fall to lay on my back, which hurts a bit with how sore my wings are, but it doesn't hurt that bad.

How does Phil sleep with wings?

It's uncomfortable as fuck.

I shouldn't be complaining...

Everything could be worse.

What if they hadn't saved me from the lab?

I probably would've been dead or something.

What if Phil just left me at the old lab?

Where would I be, then?

Would I have been tested on like this?

I'd probably be put into and orphanage or whatever that is.

Mom used to threaten to bring me there.

I never knew what it meant though.

It kind of sounds like orphans.

Techno uses that word a lot, so maybe I'll ask him tomorrow.

If Phil didn't take me with him, then I wouldn't have been able to meet Tubbo, or Wilbur, or Karl, or Quackity, or even Bad.

Man, my life was boring before this!

"Tommy Innit Minecraft!" Phil scolds, causing me to jump, as he walks into the room. "What on earth do you think you're doing!?"

"Wha- I didn't-"

"Stop laying on your wings! That is severely bad for them!" Phil quickly lifts me up into a sitting position and looks over my wings.

"They're fine! It's not like it matters anyway," I grumble.

"Yes, it does, Tommy," Phil sighs, "Now, look. You're supposed to sleep on your side with wings. Well, technically you're supposed to sleep in a nest..." Phil informs.

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