<20 - Friends? Psh- Hardly Know Them>

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<Technoblade's POV>

I end up making Tommy some hot chocolate. I tear off part of the packet and pour the powder into a mug. I take the tea kettle and pour hot water into the the mug until it's half full, then I pour milk in the rest of the way. To top it off, a small handful of marshmallows.


Who makes hot chocolate with water?!

Aweee he got marshmallows for Tommy!!!

Why water?? Its just milk!

Stfu guys! It has milk and water! Stop fucken arguing!!!

Tommy will love it!

I can't do one thing without them arguing, can I?

I take the perfect hot chocolate to the living room and hand it to Tommy.

"Be careful, it's hot," I say before he could take a sip.

Tommy sets the cup on the table and picks up another crayon to color with. The front door opens and is followed by, "We're home!" Which is said by Phil.

"We're in the living room," I call loud enough for them to hear without actually yelling.

Dad and Wilbur walk into the living room. By now, the punch that landed on Tommy's face had developed a bruise on the left side of his jaw and cheek even though we put ice on it. We also put a bandaid on his nose to cover a scab from when he was dropped. He doesn't need it but it looks funny on him.

"What's with the plaster?" Wilbur asks. Tommy turns to look at them and they both gasp.

"What happened!?" Dad exclaims as he examines Tommy's face.

"Its was my fault. I left him alone for a couple minutes and-" I take the fault and try to explain but Tommy interrupts me.

"No, it's not! I made them mad! And I didn't even fight back, so it's my fault," Tommy argues.

"You couldn't fight back," I correct.

Wilbur, Dad, and I go out to the hallway to talk and leave Tommy to draw and drink his hot chocolate in the living room.

"What happened? You were supposed to watch him!" Phil lightly scolds.

"I was! I had things to do in town, so I took him with me. I had to talk to Quackity, but he was in his dad's bar. I didn't want to lose Tommy in a place like that, so I told him to stay outside and to not go anywhere," I explain.

"Then why does he have bruises?" Wilbur asks.

"Some kids saw him with me and bullied him for it. I heard him scream and when I ran out, some older kids were holding him down and beating the shit out of him," I answer.

"How bad is it?" Dad gives a concerned look.

"The kid who was punching him wasn't too strong. The only damage he left was the bruise on Tommy's face. Tommy's arm is a lot worse. The kid holding him held him so tight, his upper arm is mostly bruised," I report. "Shouldn't take too long to heal, I hope."

"So... you seem to be getting closer to Tommy. Worrying about him and all," Wilbur smirks as he teases.

"No. I don't care for him at all. But if he had gotten anymore hurt, I would've gotten my ass kicked!" I say a bit louder than I intended.

"Don't be so loud! He might hear you!" Wilbur whisper yells.

"It's okay," Tommy appears from the living room. "I don't mind that Techno doesn't like me. You can't really force him to."

"See? Look what you did!" Wilbur whispers again.

"Honestly, Wil. It's okay. A lot of kids don't like me at home, so it's not much different," Tommy states.

"Is that why you protected Tubbo from the bullies?" Wilbur questions.

"Yeah, Tubbo just doesn't deserve to feel like that. I can see why I would, but Tubbo definitely doesn't," Tommy says confidently.

Phil speaks up this time, "Did you have any other friends back at home?"

"Yeah! I had one... I think," Tommy looks to the ground for a moment, "His name was James. He was kinda rude and didn't really hang out with me. But he still said we were friends," Tommy shrugs.

"He doesn't seem like a good friend," I state.

"I know. But he was all I had after I lost my other one."

"Other one?" Phil questions.

"I had a friend before him. They were actually.... a hybrid," Tommy states and avoids eye contact.

"You were friends with a hybrid?" I ask with hint of suspicion. Tommy just has a guilty look on his face as he nods.

"After a while, I became friends with James and I introduced them to each other," Tommy begins to mumble. "And then my hybrid friend dissapeared one day and James says they betrayed me or something like that..."

Dad, Wil, and I glance between each other. Dad and Wil had sympathetic expressions.

So, Tommy hates hybrids because one was said to have "betrayed" him?

"I don't think they actually betrayed me, though... They were too nice for that and they even trusted me with knowing that they were a hybrid," Tommy goes silent for couple seconds. "I think James might have told my mom..." Tommy looks back up at us with a guilty look.

Phil places a hand on Tommy's shoulder and kneels down a bit. "Hey, Tommy. It's okay. I'm sure your friend is okay, somewhere," Phil lies.

The kid Tommy is talking about is probably dead.

"They're not. I know they aren't," Tommy's eyes start to tear up.

"Why don't you go color and play with Wilbur while I make dinner, okay? Are you hungry?" Phil asks with a calming smile.

Tommy nods.

"Okay, go play. I'll call you guys for dinner," Phil states.

Tommy walks off with Wilbur to the living room. Dad walks off to the kitchen. I follow him to help out with dinner.


Thanks for reading!!

Sorry for the late update. I would've posted this earlier but I had to go school shopping. 😅

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