<17 - A Promise>

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<Tommy's POV>

Wilbur and I are almost home now and I already finished the muffin Wilbur bought me from Niki's. I look to Wilbur. He hasn't let go of my hand since we left Bad. My guess is either I'm in a lot of trouble and he doesn't want me to run away again or he just doesn't realize it yet.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's mad at me for running off. Maybe I should apologize. Yeah, maybe he won't be as mad.

"Uh, Wilbur," I ask, grabbing his attention.

"Yeah? What's up?" Wilbur looks down at me.

"I- uh, I'm sorry for running off..." I quietly apologize.

"What? Tommy... No, don't apologize. I understand why you ran off. Just don't do it again. Unless you're in danger or something and you have to, okay?" Wilbur replies.

"Okay..." I look to the ground.

"Hey, Tommy? Can you do me a favor?" Wilbur asks, breaking the moment of silence that was between us.

I look back up at him and nod. Wilbur pulls me off to the side and kneels down in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't listen to what Dream says. Promise me you won't. 'Cause he's gonna say some stuff in the future as well and I don't want you to listen to what isn't true. Okay? Can you promise me that?" Wilbur asks.

But... Dream's older than me. Doesn't that make him right?

Mom always said that I should listen to people who are older than me. Adults know more than a stupid kid, so they're always right.... right?

But Wilbur is older than me, too. So I should do as he says, which means making this promise.

Okay... I guess I can do that.

Man, adults are so confusing.

"Okay, I promise," I reply, causing Wilbur to stand up, grab my hand again, and continue leading me back to the house.

Once we walk into the house, Wilbur shouts out an announcement to the others that we were back; although, I don't think it was heard by anyone.

We walk into the kitchen to see Phil making some food and Techno reading a book at the kitchen table.

"Hey, Dad. I found Tommy," Wilbur greets.

Phil turns his gaze to us as his face brightens.

"Tommy! We were so worried! What happened?" Phil exclaims in a relieved manner. I, being to shy to answer, stay quiet.

Thankfully, Wilbur speaks up, "After he ran off, he fell and got hurt a bit. Then, Bad found him and brought him back to me."

"Hm, so he didn't try to kill or hurt anyone for something that's not their fault, unlike someone else we knew?" Techno mocks in his monotone voice while not once looking up from his book.

"Techno, please," Phil slightly scolds before continuing, "Tommy, mate, would you like some food?" He offers.

"Oh, uh, no thanks. I think I'm just gonna go upstairs for a little bit if that's okay?" I quietly decline.

"Oh, yeah. That's fine. Just let me know when you get hungry," Phil states.

I walk up the stairs with Wilbur and we go into 'my' room. I sit on the bed while Wilbur looks out the window.

"Hey, Wil? What's Dream normally like? Like, before I was here?" I ask.

Wilbur looks at me before smiling and sitting down beside me. "He's pretty cool, but he can be a huge dick sometimes. He's a really good fighter, too. Really powerful."

"Really?" I question. "How powerful?"

"When we escaped, he took out a shit ton of people because they were going for Tubbo," Wilbur answers.

Right, the escape.

Was he the one that killed my mom?

"He once fought Technoblade a while back, too. Techno won, though. It was a really close battle though," Wilbur explains.

"Wow... So Techno is stronger than Dream?" I ask.

"Well, no. They are pretty much tied on that. Techno just got the win that time," Wilbur shrugs. "Sapnap and George are really cool as well. Oh, get this. Did you know George is a lamb even though he-" Wilbur asks but I cut him off.

"Oh, yeah. I know," I say. I look at Wilbur who looks at bit disappointed before adding, "Sorry for interrupting."

"Oh, no. Its alright. But how did you know?" Wilburs asks with a curious face.

"George's movements are really soft. Like they aren't jagged or sudden at all. And his nose is just a bit pinker than a normal humans," I explain. "Tubbo confirmed it as well, anyway."

"Wow. I- I'm impressed," Wilbur laughs. "How do you know about hybrids like that?"

"Oh, uh- my mom always had books and papers on hybrids and stuff. She would have me read them and she would even teach me sometimes," I smile before letting it fall. "That's when she would tell me why hybrids are bad and dangerous and stuff..." I mumble and look to the ground.

"Why would she teach you about them?" I hear Wilbur mumble, probably asking himself than me but I still answer.

"She says it was to protect me from them. So, if I was captured, I would know they're weaknesses and how to get away from them," I start to laugh at how ironic my situation is.

"What's so funny?" Wilbur asks.

"It- she did that so that if I were in a situation like this" -I gesture around us- "I'd be able to get out, but instead of that, I'm here in the house of my 'enemies' acting like I belong," I look back to the ground and laugh slightly again.

"Tommy..." Wilbur pulls me into a hug, "you don't have to pretend."

"No, I don't belong here. I'm not supposed to be here," I slightly argue.

"Tommy. You don't belong here. Alright, fine. But I'm glad your here," Wilbur says, giving up on fighting.

"Thanks, Wil."


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