<34 - Finding Tommy>

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<Wilbur's POV>

George puts in some final coding before giving a thumbs up towards Quackity, signaling for him to prepare to throw the first molotov. Quackity is on bomb duty while Dream, Sapnap, and Techno fight offensively. Me and Karl are going to go get Tommy and George is going to keep track of everything through the lab's security cameras and files.

The sun starts to rise.

Dream walks infront of one of the security cameras. George hacks the computer systems to show that camera just like he did when they first threatened them.

"Last chance!" Dream yells. He waits a minute before raising his hand and letting it drop.

"Now!" George says.

Quackity throws the first of many molotovs towards the main doors. Techno and Sapnap run out to join Dream in the fight.

"Alright, you guys are up," George orders, causing me and Karl to run towards a back exit.

Me and Karl enter the building when George talks to us through the communication device.

"Comm check. Golden Retreivers, do you copy? Over."

"We copy," Karl states into the walkie-talkie.

"I didn't agree to that code name," I mumble.

"It's a perfectly good name, Wilbur!" Karl says. "Your just jealous that Techno came up with it."

We run through the halls searching for Tommy in each door. The floors and walls shake with each bomb Quackity sets off and all the fighting. We turn a corner and are met with two guards in front of a heavy duty metal door.


A guard quickly pulls out his gun and is about to shoot me causing me to step back and close my eyes. But, instead of a gunshot, I'm met with the sound of two bodies colapsing on the ground. I open my eyes back up and see Karl standing over the two bodies.

"Guess time is on our side," He says and moves towards the door.

"That was awful. Never say anything like that again," I state before noticing the keypad on the door.

"Golden Retrivers to Mad Max. Over," Karl calls into the walkie-talkie.

"I hate that name, yes? What's up? Over," George responds.

"Can you override this keypad in front of us? Over," Karl asks.

"Uh.... yeah, I see you guys now. Give me a minute," George states. "And... alright it should be unlocked. Also, give Tommy and hug for me. He's gonna need it. Over."

"Thanks, and we will. Over," Karl states before clipping the walkie-talkie back onto his belt. "Let's go."

We open the door and drag it wider. I rush into the oddly white room.

Our rooms were never white?

I notice the only bit of color in the room. I should be happy because Tommy would be the only color, but that's not the case.

The color that catches my eyes is red.

Maroon red.

Blood red.

The red soaks the thin white sheet over a small figure facing towards the wall. I can hear choked up sobs and cries. I instantly rush to the bed's side.

"Tommy?" I gently touch his shoulder, but he harshly flinches away then winces at his own movement and let's out a small pain-filled whimper. "Tommy, it's Wilbur, okay? You're safe now. Can I help you move closer to me?"

"W- wilbu-r?" He tries to say through sobs and tries to move his head but stops immediately.

"Here, I'm gonna help you, okay? You're gonna be okay, I promise," I say with a not so confident voice. I slide my hands underneath him and slowly turn him towards me. I hold him in my arms beside the bed. He let's out another small cry when I hold him close. "I know. I know. I'm sorry, Tommy," I apologize.

It's not until then that I completely realize and take in the new features that are causing Tommy to lose so much blood.

Animal-like ears covering Tommy's golden blonde hair in the red liquid. Two boney, messed up wings on his back. Both wings are loosing a decent amount of feathers, and they definitely don't look like they're in the right place. No wonder he's in so much pain.

"E- everything hurts, Wil. And it's so cold," He cries in an awfully rough and hoarse voice.

"I- I know, bud. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?" I reassure. "Karl, hand me the banket." Karl takes the blanket off the bed and helps me gently wrap it around Tommy.

"Holy prime..." He mumbles as he manovers the blanket around Tommy's new, but broken, wings. Tommy winces more but tries not to move much.

"Karl?" Tommy mumbles.

"Yeah, I'm right here, Tommy," Karl responds in a soft voice. "I'll be with you just not in your view, okay?" Tommy nods but seems to instantly regret it. "I'm gonna talk to George. Try to get him in a position to be carried," Karl suggests as he unclips the walkie-talkie.

"Tommy, buddy, I need you to do two things for me, okay?" I ask. "First, I need you to lean into me. I'm going to have to carry you, okay? I know it's going to hurt, but can you do that?"

Tommy mumbles a small 'yes' before leaning into me as I pick him up slowly.

"Sorry, but you're doing so good! We're gonna head back outside and we're gonna meet with George, yeah?" I shakily sigh. "You're doing good. The second thing I need you to do is stay awake. Don't close your eyes for too long, alright?" Tommy nods.

Me and Karl step out into the hallway again and we go back the way we came from.

"Where do we go from here?" I ask.

"I thought you were keeping track?!" Karl questions. I groan, but before I can say anything, Karl disapears for a moment before returning. "This way," he says. I follow him and we make it back outside safely.

"You still awake, Tommy?" I ask, looking down at him as we approach George.


"Okay, good job, buddy," I smile to calm him, and maybe even me, even though he can't see it.

I sit down on the ground by George and set Tommy down in front of me. George notices the blood and his face immediately fills with horror.

"Holy shit- What happened?" George asks.

"They did the experiment," is all I answer before going back to calming Tommy. "It'll all be over soon and we're gonna take you back home and everything will be fine, yeah? You're gonna be okay."

"N-no don't-" Tommy tries to explain through his tears. "They know where it is- it's not safe-"

"How would they know where it is if we killed the guys who knew?" George asks more to Wilbur than Tommy.

"Tracker. There's a tr- tracker. In my skin," Tommy struggles to talk.

A what?!

What the fuck!?



You guys wanted avianinnit or raccooninnit soo bad, so I gave both of them to you :)

But was it worth it? Did Tommy deserve that so you could have raccoon-avianinnit?

So stop yelling at me in the comments now ;^; /j

I also just learned yesterday that the some of the "bombs" I wrote into this fic are called molotovs and are not considered actual bombs. Sorry bout that.

Thanks for reading!

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