<4 - Red Lollipops>

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<Tommy's POV>

"Come on! It'll help!" He tries convincing me.

"No. No medicine." I pout and glare at him.

"What if I give you a lollipop afterwards?" Will suggests.

"......what flavor?" I hesitantly ask.

"Uh... I got cherry, orange, blueberry, and bubblegum I think," Wilbur responds.

".... I like cherry," I say more to myself than Wilbur.

"Great! The medicine should be in the bathroom down the hall," He starts to walk of the room.

I cautiously follow him as he leads me down the hall. I keep looking around for the other two.

He must've noticed this as he says shortly after, "The other two shouldn't be around. You don't have to worry about them," He smiles at me.

No. I refuse to not worry. They could still kill me for all I know.

We get to the bathroom. Wilbur opens the cabinet and looks through a few bottles before pulling out a small white one with a dinosaur on it and some big words I can't read.

He pops open the cap and hands two small purple tablets to me.

Ah, yes. Drugs. Great.

"You eat these, and you can get a lollipop, okay?" Wilbur says.

I frown. I turn my gaze from him to the medicine in his hand.

Fine. I want that candy.

I take it and chew it slowly. It actually isn't that bad, but I'm not gonna let him know that.

"Tastes like shit," I lie.

He laughs and starts walking out of the bathroom. "Come on, let's get your candy."

I perk up and excitedly follow him to what I assume is his room.

He opens the door and walks in. I follow, but stop in my tracks instantly.

It's a shared room. Two beds on either side of the room and on one is a fimilar pink haired kid.

I panick and look to Wilbur. He walks to, I assume, his bedside table and starts looking through the drawers.

I look back to the other boy. He stares right back at me.

If glares could kill..... I would most certainly be dead right now.

"Techno, stop scaring the kid," Wilbur doesn't even turn around.

The hybrid, Techno, looks at his brother, rolls his eyes, and goes back to reading the book in his hands.

"Also, where's dad?" Wilbur asks.

"Living room." Techno states.

He has such a monotone voice that it's either comforting or scary. No in between.

"Calm down, Tommy. He wouldn't gonna hurt you." Wilbur sighs.

I jump as Wilbur places a hand on my shoulder.

When the fuck did he get there!?

"Woah, woah, you okay?" He looks worried, "Just breathe, alright?"

What the fuck?

I'm breathing pretty fast, so I try my best to calm it down. It quickens again after glancing at the other kid, so I look away rather harshly.

"Come on," Wilbur takes my hand and pulls me out of the room.

"Look at me. It's alright, okay? You're fine. He won't hurt you nor will my dad." He's kneeling in front of me with both hands on my shoulders.

I look back at him and nod slightly. My breathing calms down quickly after that.

"Here. You wanted cherry, right?" He holds out the red lollipop.

I take the wrapper off and pop it in my mouth. "....thanks," I say quietly.

Wilbur stands up and looks down at me. "I know you don't like him.... but, we should talk to my dad."

".... do I have to?" I look up at him.

"Yeah, but don't worry! I'll be with you. And he won't hurt you. I promise," Wilbur states.

"... pinky promise...?" I hold out my pinky.

"Yeah, of course!" He links his pinky with mine for a moment before letting go. "He should be in the living room down stairs." He starts walking down the stairs.

I follow cautiously.

Once we get to the bottom of the stairs, we turn left and walk down a hall. At the end, there's a doorway leading into a living room.

Wil steps through, but I stay in the doorway in case I need to escape for whatever reason.

"Hey dad, I calmed the kid down," Wilbur informs the man.

I look at the man they call their dad and realize it's the same guy from the lab. He has different clothes on than before and his hair looks smooth and more taken care of.

The man looks to his son then to me.

"That's great! How you feeling, mate? You had a pretty bad fever a little bit ago." He says standing up from the couch he was just sitting on.

I hide behind Wilbur as he walks closer to us.

"I gave him some medicine for his headache, but he's still scared of you and Tech," Wilbur states.

The man looks saddened when he says that.

"He's not scared of you, though? Even if you're technically still a hybrid?" The man questions, looking back to the kid in front of me.

What? Wait. wait- no.

Wilbur's not human!?



Thanks for reading!!

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