8: betrayed

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"This is your fucking fault" John B roared in front of me. 

My jaw dropped in shock and my breath got caught in my throat when he raised the gun to my head. 

All the alcohol had seemed to suddenly wear off as all I could focus on was the end of the gun facing towards me. 

I tuned out all the screaming and begging for John B to drop the gun as my surroundings became blurred.

"You act all high and fucking mighty trying to befriend the pogues but you're just a stuck-up entitled little brat" He started yelling "You're the worst of them all kook princess!" John B screamed in my face as my eyes widen and my hands began shaking.

I stared hazily at John B who was glaring daggers at me, the cold end of the gun was all I could focus on until someone moved in front of my body pushing me behind them in the process. 

I didn't register who it was instead I stared at the person's back in gratitude. 

"Drop the gun" the person demanded in a cold tone "Or you will fucking regret it" they threatened. I involuntarily shivered hearing the tone of the man's voice, he sounded dangerous and the threat sounded like he'd have no trouble following through with it. 

"Okay, everyone, listen up!" John B yelled still with the gun in hand but thankfully away from me.

"Get the hell off our side of the island!". He shot multiple bullets into the air which caused screams and people to run away in all different directions.

I didn't even register when the person who was previously standing in front of me pulled my arm and started dragging me towards the parking lot. 

I still didn't realize who he was but I was more than happy to get away from the situation and get away from John B.

When we reached a black sleek car I saw Rafe open the passenger seat door and holding it open for me to jump in. 


I stood there in shock realizing who it was.

Why does he care enough to help me?

"Get in," he said tilting his head to the car, and for once in my life, I didn't try to fight him instead I moved to sit in the passenger seat of his car as he rounded the car to jump in the driver's seat.

We sat in silence as he started the car up and pulled out onto the main road, there was music faintly playing from the radio so I reached my hand out to turn it fully off.

I stared out the window trapped in my thoughts.

John B had pulled a gun on me a legitimate gun.

Did he hate me that much?

I never thought in a million years I'd be staring down the barrel of a gun, especially from someone I may not have considered a friend but an acquaintance. 

I thought we had mutual respect for each other since we shared friends.

I never wanted to feel that powerless again.

I wondered how many more people in my life could disappoint me. 

how many more times I could feel betrayed and distraught. 

I could feel my old self being stripped away layer by layer the more times I was hurt. 

It felt like the more I trusted people the more I would be stabbed in the back.

It happened time and time again people...letting me down.

I didn't notice the tears streaming down my cheeks until Rafe's words pulled me out of my trace.

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