58: million dollar smile

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"Willow c'mon wake-up princess" 

I slowly began to open my eyes hearing the soft words being whispered next to my ear and feeling light shakes waking me up. "C'mon wake up, we need to go" 

"What?" I croak out and groggily sit up wiping the sleep from my eyes. I rolled over on my right side seeing Rafe with his arm propped up staring at me with a genuine smile. 

"Don't tell me you forgot" Rafe shook his head with an amused smile, "Me, you and the Bahamas" 

"How could I forget" I sent him a lazy smile before moving my head back down to my pillow, "Can me, you and the Bahamas wait an hour?" I said whilst yawning causing him to lightly laugh. 

"Unfortunately we're on a tight schedule baby and turns out you're sleep-in isn't a top priority" He sent me a fake frown causing me to roll my eyes. 

"Sleep is my priority now go away," I said stubbornly throwing the bed covers over my face and sinking further into my pillows desperately craving a bit more sleep. Rafe however had different plans as he ripped the covers right off my body. "Stopppp" I groaned slapping my hands over my eyes trying to avoid the light. 

Whilist my eyes were closed I felt Rafe plonk his body on top of mine making me groan in discomfort, having a 6'4 muscular boy on top of you wasn't the best feeling in the world. 

I tried to move his body but he was too heavy and wouldn't budge an inch,  I even tried to slip out from underneath him but again failed much to my dismay. 

"Rafe" I huffed out poking his chest whilist he closed his eyes, "Seriously get the fuck off me you oaf!" I laughed trying to shake his body. His eyes snapped open and a grin took over his whole face. 

"Aw baby I thought you liked my body on top of yours" he smirked as he shifted his body weight onto his arms and hovered over my body, "Bet you don't want that sleep-in now" he said cockily. 

I didn't respond instead I placed my hand on his jawline and slowly dragged my finger down from his jaw to his neck and then his chest all whilist staring into his dreamy blue eyes. 

Rafe's eyes were wide open with his jaw slacked as my fingers kept on getting lower and lower down his abdomen. "Fuck" he groaned lowly and I had to try my hardest not to laugh in his face. I grinned to myself about just how easy it was to get him all excited, it was further proven when a second later I felt something poke through his boxers. 

"This is my new favorite way to wake up" he grinned happily.

"Rafe junior is getting a little too excited" I let out the laugh I'd been holding in as I slipped from underneath his body causing him to fall face-first into the bed. 

"I fucking hate you" he groaned into the pillow.

"Aw bite me" I smiled crawling back over to his body, "You love me" I kissed his cheek before getting off the bed and moving around my room trying to remember where I kept my suitcase and acting like nothing happened. 

"You're fucking lucky I do" he sighed, "I need a cold shower" he huffed before moving off the bed, but not before adjusting his shorts. Rafe was halfway to the bathroom when he stopped and turned his heels around, "Since I'm already about to shower you may as well join me, we'll save water" he said with a smirk.

I gave him an unimpressed look, "What happened to me packing and this "tight schedule" I said with air-quotation marks laughing. 

"I should be making you come finish what you started," he said grumpily stomping into the bathroom and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

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