20: he talks about you

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We both felt much better after our talk and eventually moved out of the ice cream store towards the main foyer of the club aiming to find something fun to do.

"Maybe we could play pool or I don't know...a round of golf?" Topper suggested as we walked side by side through the lounge.

What I did expect to see was wealthy men and women playing pointless games for money or wives ignoring their husbands and flirting with the younger staff in hopes of attention. 

What I didn't expect was Rafe walking beside a gorgeous brunette with their shoulders practically touching.

I immediately wanted to hide but Topper waved to his friend calling him over to us. Curse Topper and his politeness. I would have happily skipped past them pretending I never saw I thing. 

I kept a blank face wanting to mask my emotions as I watched them walk over to us smiling and joking with each other. 

I was confused seeing Rafe with another girl when he promised a mere three days he was trying to seek out my forgiveness. I felt a tiny teeny bit jealous as I wasn't sure why, I hated Rafe right?

If I hated him why did I feel my blood boil seeing him with another girl?

"Hey, guys how are you?" Topper politely greeted the pair once they'd walked over to us. Rafe's eyes found my own with a small smile as I kept the same blank and bored expression on my face.

"Yo Top" Rafe said nodding his head and moving his glance to his best friend as they did a bro shake thing, "This is Amy, Amy this is Topper and Willa," he said pointing at us.

The girl was very pretty with dark brunette hair and chocolate brown eyes, if this was the type of girl Rafe went for I knew I couldn't compare.

"Nice to meet you guys, I have to say you guys are a really good-looking couple" She smiled politely.

"Oh us," I said furrowing my eyebrows pointing between Topper and me, "Gross! he's like a brother" I chuckled. This seemed to make Rafe happy as he stood with a smirk. 

"Yeah never happening...sorry to break your heart," I said mocking as I gave Topper a fake pout.

"How will I survive Willow Baldwin's rejection" Topper laughed sarcastically.

"Oh this is Willow" I heard this girl Amy whisper to Rafe, what the hell did she know about me?

"I'm dating Sarah" Topper explained and I look of realization formed on her face.

"That's right Topper! I remember" She smiled.

Amy even knew his family, I wondered if they were dating or something. I stood with a blank expression as Rafe desperately tried to meet my eye contact but I avoided it like the plague finding random objects around the room much more interesting.

"Nice to see you again" Topper grinned, Rafe then moved his arm around Amy's shoulder as they smiled at each other. That wasn't something I particularly wanted to see so I looked around the room and saw the bar and knew I was about to bail.

"If you'll excuse me...Nice to meet you Amy" I smiled nicely at the girl before turning my heels around and walking towards the bar.

"Hi, Miss Baldwin what can I get you?" the kind bartender asked me once I approached the bar and sat on one of the empty stools.

"Hey, just a shot of tequila and a french martini, please. You can put it on the Baldwin tab thank you" I smiled as he moved to prepare my order.

A shot glass filled with clear liquid was quickly placed in front of me and I didn't waste another second before bringing the shot glass to my lips, I squirmed at the taste but signaled my hand to the bartender for another one.

"What's got you drinking so early in the day?" Rafe said lowly sliding his body slightly behind me.

"Why does anyone drink at noon Rafe?" I uttered. "It's five o'clock somewhere" I shrugged my shoulders as another shot glass was placed in front of me. 

Before I had time to reach my hand out Rafe's arm snaked past mine grabbing the glass and taking a seat next to next to me. I watched him bring the glass to his lips and drink the liquid with ease.

"Get your own" I snarled snatching the glass from his hand and placing it in front of me. I was satisfied taking a hold of my cocktail and sipping on the delicious taste.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" He asked turning his head and watching me as I continued drinking.

"Nothing Rafe" I rolled my eyes placing the drink down.

"Nothin? huh," he said with a smug grin running his fingers over his bottom lip. "Sure you aren't a little jealous?"

I narrowed my eyes and scoffed "Why would I be jealous?".

He continued staring at me raising his eyebrows.

"I'm not jealous" I denied before downing the rest of my drink and jumping off my stool, I tried to walk past him but he grabbed a hold of my forearm.

"What's with you always trying to run away from me?"

"Maybe because I don't want to talk to you" I smiled tilting my head to the side.

"Who said anything about talking?" Rafe said lowly leaning his head closer to my body.

"Maybe you should go talk to your girlfriend" I deadpanned.

"Not my girlfriend" he shook his head reaching his hand out to cup my jaw moving my head to forcibly look at him.

"Then who is she?" I asked looking him in the eye.

"My friend from college," he said as I bit my lip "My friend who would in fact have a crush on you rather than me" he explained as my mouth formed an 'O'.

"She likes girls?"

"Very much swings the other way," He said standing up in front of me, he leaned his head down closer to me "You're hot when you're jealous" he whispered into my ear causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.

"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes" he whispered even quieter before walking away from me.

I can only imagine Rafe wants one thing from me and I wasn't opposed. I only wanted the physical side of Rafe right now. I didn't want to think about what this would mean for us. 

I didn't want to think. 

I'd been craving his touch for months.

No one makes me feel like he does.

So I walked back over to Topper and Amy with a smile. I touched Topper's arm getting his attention "Hey I'm not feeling too well you go on without me" I politely smiled when Topper looked unsure. "It was really nice to meet you, Amy".

"You too!" she smiled "It was nice to put a face to the name".

"How do you- uh know who I am?" I questioned.

"He talks about you" Amy shrugged her shoulders with a knowing smile as my eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"He does?" I asked in disbelief as she simply nodded.

"All the time" she chuckled.

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