47: my fate

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*warning the following chapter may be triggering* 

My eyes drooped closed as John B's yelling became fainter and fainter in the background, I could feel his body in front of me but I could barely hear his words anymore. 

What the hell did I drink?

I wasn't feeling myself.

My vision was blurring more than usual when I drink, "What did.....you do?" I slurred my speech feeling dizzy and placed my hands in front of me trying to stabilize myself against anything, but instead, I fell onto the sand. 

My knees met the sand and I collapsed into a heap on the ground. I slowly lost feeling in parts of my body. 

Something was wrong. 

I was having difficulty pulling myself up from the ground, I was trying my hardest but then falling back down in the uncomfortable sand. I looked up hearing faint laughter.

All I wanted was Rafe. 

I screamed feeling a hand grab onto my body but I'm not sure any sound actually escaped my lips. I was battling with my body trying to keep myself awake as I was lifted from the ground roughly. 

I wanted to thrash in their hold but my body went limp and everything became foggy. "Rafe..." I mumbled.

"You're boyfriend isn't gonna save you now" I heard John B say. Hearing his voice made me want to fight but my body felt numb.

I felt completely and utterly powerless. 

At this stage I had to accept my fate, accept whatever John B has in store for me. 

I closed my eyes feeling him carrying me bridal style up the soft sand, I could hear faint yelling in the distance making John B walk faster. The screaming continued and I wasn't sure whether it was coming from me or someone else, my eyes were now wide open despite how much I wanted to just slip into the darkness. 

"Where the fuck is she!" I heard someone scream but my ears were ringing making it hard for me to even concentrate on what was happening to me. John B had roughly laid my body down and I stared up to a van's roof. 

"What the fuck!" I heard another person yell.

"I'll fucking kill you!!"

I stayed staring up to the roof hearing the yelling continue. I heard grunts and what sounded like people fighting, I just wanted to see Rafe's beautiful face but I wasn't sure if I was going to get my wish. 

"Willow!" Someone yelled. I felt arms pull my body to sit up but I fell straight back down not being able to support my weight. They pulled me into their embrace but I was having problems breathing as if my body was breaking down, screaming at me to slip into the darkness. 

"Rafe! Don't actually kill him" I heard the person next to me say as I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. "Cmon man Willow wouldn't want this," he said as I closed my eyes slumping my body over and losing control. 

"Rafe! Look at her! We need to go!" 

"My God, Willow" was the last thing I heard before falling out of consciousness.


I woke up to the sound of beeping machines, I lifted my eyelids up and blinked at the harsh light hurting my eyes and making me want to fall back asleep

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