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Rafe's face was the only thing running through my mind as I raced down the streets of Figure Eight. At this moment I couldn't care less about the speed limit or the other people on the roads all I needed was to get to Rafe as quickly as I could. 

I didn't care I left JJ dumbfounded standing in my home. I didn't care I wasn't even wearing shoes. 

He was all I cared about. He was the only thing in the world I cared about. 

With John B most likely spilling his guts to the police and speaking lies about Rafe's name and what exactly happened I knew there was no way in hell I could stand back and let that happen.

I sped down his street and pulled into the Cameron's driveway shifting my car into park. The moonlight glowed down on me as I moved to the front door and skipped the formalities of ringing the doorbell. I walked into the house and looked around for the eldest child. 

Without hearing any movement throughout the house I sprinted upstairs and stood outside his bedroom door. 

I took a second to mostly catch my breath but also contemplate what I was about to say.

I took a second to also second guess myself, a mere few hours ago I was demanding him to give me time and space to think but now I'm standing with my back against his door wanting to be with him more than anything.  

I decided then and there that I'd had enough thinking or doubting my feelings. Rafe was what I needed in life, he was my life support. 

I knew from this point on everything I did would be for us, for our future....for him. 

I slowly turned the door handle and moved into the room after a few minutes outside. 

Rafe immediately shot up out of bed and rushed over to me. He stopped right in front of me only leaving an inch distance between our bodies. 

He blinked rapidly almost like he couldn't believe his eyes

He looked exhausted, he looked like he hadn't slept in days even though I knew he had. His hair was sticking up in all different directions and I already felt like crying just seeing his face. 

His beautiful face. He looked beaten down...completely defeated and I knew I was partly to blame. I hated myself for ever doubting that his intentions were anything but to protect me. 

"You came back" He breathed out. "God I've been worried sick"

"I love you Rafe" I whispered closing the space between our bodies. I tried my best to blink away the tears but when I saw the look on complete relief on his face I cracked.

"Thank you for saving me" I whispered softly and before he even had the chance to response I threw myself at him.

He caught with ease as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held onto him for dear life. 

He felt warm and he felt familiar. He felt solid and safe - most importantly I felt safe. He was home.

I wanted to cling to his shirt, bury my face into the warm curve of his neck and never let go. Never have to face anything that life is about to throw us. 

"You saved my life Rafe" I whispered into the crock of his neck feeling the tears land on his t-shirt right as his body shivered.

As we stood in his bedroom in each other's embrace I knew everything was going to be okay, that I was going to be okay if he was by my side. 

Maybe I was still in shock.

I hadn't had time to process the events that occurred but all I knew in that moment was that I loved Rafe and he loved me.

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