44: take care of you

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"You okay?" I asked Rafe who just nodded brushing me off. The anger was radiating off him i waves, so I backed off and tried not to take it to heart. When he gets to this stage there's not much I can do besideses phycially being there with him. 

Topper stormed up to us with a determined look, "Huh. Hey, what the hell is goin' on?"

Honestly, I wanted to know the same thing.

"I don't know, man" Rafe sighed raking his fingers through his hair visibly stressed.

"This guy's nuts" Topper muttered "What are you gonna do?" he asked getting closer to Rafe as I kept my distance. Rafe needed space and time to cool down as his body language indicated he was still worked up over it.

"Nothin'. It's not my problem" Rafe shook his head.

"If it's about Sarah..." I added in my opinion not really knowing the full story but from what I gathered Sarah and her new Pogue friends had robbed Barry the drug dealer. I wasn't sure why or really how. The Sarah I knew would never in the million years act like this, I can't imagine what else John B is influencing her to do.

Rafe looked over at me as a concerned look overtook my features, "What are you gonna do?" Topper asked as Rafe continued to look in my direction. 

I silently watched Rafe purposely walk over to me. He took my hand in his and walked me towards his bike.

"All right, come on" Rafe said picking up his helmet from the ground and gently placing it on my head as I stared at him without saying a word, his hands moved to tighten the strap around my chin just like he did when he rode us over here from my house. I stood as he leaned his bike up hopping on the vehicle.

"Come on Will" he ushered me and I followed his instruction swinging my leg over the seat behind his body, I looped my arms around his waist interlocking my fingers keeping me secure on the back of the motorbike.

"Jesus, Rafe" I heard Topper mutter from his own bike before they both started up their engines and took off down the street. I loved the feeling of the wind rushing against my face and through my hair, I slightly edged forward in my seat sitting even closer to Rafe and turning my face to rest my cheek on his back as we rode through the streets of figure eight.

I watched the large houses flash by as we sped down a street close to my own, A beat-up brown van came into view making Rafe speed up and causing me to jump slightly. 

Rafe's driving grew reckless as he was now flying down the dirt road, I wanted to scream when he skidded in front of the slowly moving van, thankfully they stopped before hitting us but anger was flowing through my veins. 

What's the point of giving me a helmet if he was going to drive like a maniac and almost get us killed?

Rafe kicked up the stand and I immediately jumped off the bike ripping the helmet from my head and throwing it to the ground, "What the hell Rafe!" I yelled as he barely even looked in my direction instead focusing on Sarah slamming the van door and walking over to us with a pissed-off expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled in her brother's face before moving her glance to me keeping the same angry expression that I matched.

"There she is! Little Miss Perfect!" Rafe called out.

"Hello? Are you high?" Sarah yelled grabbing Rafe's wrist and pulling him further away from John B sitting in the driver's seat. I stayed next to the bike but Sarah had pulled Rafe closer to me so I could hear everything being said.

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