29: tainted heart

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"JJ what happened?" I asked again this time with more of a demanding tone in my voice, I grew frustrated when he still refused to answer me or even look at me.

"Kie please" JJ tried to beg Kiara for something but she shot him a look shutting him up. 

I felt a presence beside me and looked up seeing Rafe by my side.

"Look, Willow. JJ and Pope aren't your friends anymore" Kie said amusingly.

"What is she talking about JJ?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest trying to keep myself warm. I automatically assumed whatever Kiara was saying was rubbish or a joke but the look JJ gave me caused me to feel a pit in my stomach.

"Willa- I can explain" JJ started and thankfully Rafe chose to stay silent beside me when JJ stepped forward.

"Explain then" I huffed.

"Kie she gave us an ultimatum either you or her, and I'm sorry we're just in....we're in some shit together right now and-"

"Don't bother explaining JJ" I interrupted feeling nothing but sorrow for myself and not wanting to hear another word come from his lips. "No no I get it, I've been nothing short of a good friend to you but you were just going to end our friendship without telling, and oh- for no good reason!" I said feeling myself get worked up.

JJ looked guilty as I stood in front of him with a harsh look, "What about all those times where I let you sleep at my house because you didn't want to go home! or when I would lend you money so you could pay rent! Huh? I did all that...plus more without ever wanting anything in return!" 

JJ couldn't even look at me anymore as he stared down at his shoes but I was livid, so much for being friends.

"And you!" I roared moving my glance onto Kie, "Who gives their friends an ultimatum over who they're friends with! Are you that self-conscious or...or selfish that you try to even control your friends from having other friends!"

"You're a kook Willow face it, we don't hang around kooks this has been a long time coming" Kie stood with a smug look on her face.

"News flash Kie you're a fucking kook!! or do you just choose to ignore that fact when trying to put other people down!"

"God you're a bitch" Kie snarled.

"Shut up Kiara" I rolled my eyes.

"Pope?" I asked seeing him walk up to stand next to Kiara.

"Willa- I'm sorry" he sighed sending me a sincere look.

"Great, that's just great" I laughed even though I didn't find the situation amusing in the slightest, I kept laughing until tears pooled in my eyes. Finally, one escaped and slipped down my cheek but I wiped it away before anyone could notice. 

"After everything! everything! I thought you Pope would be the last person in the world to hurt me like this" I said now allowing the tears to flow freely, "I don't need this right now have a nice life guys because I hope to god I never see you again" I said wiping the tears from my face.

I waited for a moment just to see if the boys would voice up or say this is a big joke but they didn't, they both stood there with guilty looks refusing to even make eye contact with me.

I turned around to face Rafe with tear-stained cheeks and no doubt my mascara running down my face but I couldn't care less. 

He pulled me away from the pogues I used to call friends and put his suit jacket over my shoulders. He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close to him as the tears didn't seem to stop. We walked back to where Sarah was right as the ambulance pulled up.

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