43: rich little girlfriend

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"Uh, can you put this on Cameron, Ward? Cameron, W-A-R-D? Thank you. You're the best." Rafe said passing the bill off to the kind waitress before moving back to where I was sitting watching Topper and Kelce play happy sack.

We were at a popular seaside restaurant having lunch but we'd moved outside to where other kooks around our age were hanging out.

I laid resting on the sun lounge beside an umbrella blocking out the harsh sun rays, I sat up and shifted forward as Rafe slid in behind me and I laid my back down against his chest. I was wearing a short denim skirt and ditched my top leaving me in a white triangle bikini top. 

Rafe had his arms rested comfortably around my waist.

We gained curious stares from the second we walked into the establishment side by side, I watched people around us whisper to each other and some had the audacity to point at us, but it didn't bother me in the slightest. 

Being Rafe's arm candy made me feel powerful almost, even if I felt girl's glares being thrown my way I looked over to Rafe and remembered I was the one he was giving all his attention to.

"Hey, bro" Kelce yelled out to Rafe tearing his attention from staring down at me to his friend, "You think you-know-who, they're scronking yet?" Kelce said immaturely moving his hands together imitating skin slapping together.

"Shut, yo..." Topper yelled out as I rolled my eyes.

"What's that sound? What's that? They're making that sound" Kelce continued on despite my harsh glare and face scrunched in disgust.

"You think I wanna hear this right now?" Topper raised his voice as Kelce didn't seem to get the hint and shut up.

"Come on" Rafe groaned in annoyance. "That's my little sister"

"Seriously not necessary" I added "Don't need to be talking about that" I muttered under my breath for only Rafe to hear who tightened his arms around me protectively.

"I'm trying to get my mind off it" Topper shook his head moving his hand to Kelce's shoulder and lightly pushing him back.

I moved Rafe's arms from around me and stood up grabbing my pale orange singlet from the ground and covering myself up. 

Rafe continued talking to our friends as I leaned down to his face, this caught his attention as he turned to face me, "I'm getting a drink, want one?" I said watching him move his arms behind his head flexing his biceps in the process.

"Yeah could you get me a corona with a lime please" he smiled.

"Of course" I smiled.

"Thanks, babe" he leaned up from the seat kissing my cheek before watching me walk back inside the restaurant and right over to the bar. I took a seat on one of the barstools and tapped my fingers against the counter when a bartender turned his back around giving me a smile.

"Afternoon ma'am, what can I get you?"

"Two corona's with limes please" I smiled politely.

"Coming right up Miss Baldwin" he nodded before turning his back. Whilst the waiter was working on my request from the corner of my eye I saw a body slide into the seat next to me.

I turned my head taking my chin in my hand and leaning against the counter. I saw a guy around my age maybe a few years older, I would have thought he was attractive if I wasn't with Rafe. 

In my eyes, no one really compares to him.

"Hey gorgeous," he said with a sleazy smile as I kept my face straight, "I'm Jack, and you are?" he asked as I raised my eyebrow.

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