30. Defend to the Death

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{Chapter contains violence, blood and bad language}

The Next day Sean returns to Guardian's place with an urgent call. He didn't say anything to Zo or Yibo but it seemed that Guardian is expecting a strike from Eric.

Because they are not the only ones on move. Eric's eyes are everywhere.

That day when Yibo comes back home, he finds Zo and Mr Kang is talking about some serious stuff.

There is an only important task in front of them. Yibo knows it. So he asks about it.

"Amy find some clues about how Eric takes the guys who released from the juvenile detention centre and made them a human weapon. He gives them illegal weapons and used them for his dirty businesses, and to protect himself. If there is a fight broke between us, we'll face them too.

Now the problem is there is no solid proof in our hands. We need it to drag him to the government. Well, we must remember, the police and my ministers are under his palm from his father's time. So this won't be easy until we prove them such a way to the countrymen too."

"I'll go there, and collect the proves," Yibo says. He has already made up his mind.

"No," Zo says.

"Why not? I'll be the best to do it. I'll go there as Eric's man and talk to them as I went there to get documents of the prisoner and somehow try to get a hand on those.
It's normal that Eric won't send girls there, so you or Amy can't go there. Your men are not suitable for it too. Sean is not here, so I should do this."

He is right, but Zo can't think of taking the risk.

"Can't you believe me? You and Mr Kang can support me from outside. If they don't hand me or show me any copy I'll try to access their computer. I know it's a piece of cake for Mr Kang.
If anything happens, I can still come out of there. I'm not that weakling before."


Zo glances at Mr Kang then nods.

"Fine, before that, I'll give you some training. Get set ready!"


As per the plan, Zo taught Yibo as much as possible to read people and how to deceive them. How to sense danger and what kind of possibilities he may face, and how to pass from it. Control himself from getting excited and make mistakes.

Zo also arranged a very small microphone and a disguise for Yibo.

Yibo dressed as a gentleman and reached the detention centre.
His acting was so perfect, his face is rigid and serious, they believed him or probably couldn't dare to ask him back.

Yibo was asked to wait in a room while the vice president comes to meet him.

Yibo is a little tensed but he prepares himself to face him when he hears his footsteps outside of the room.

And he fixes his dress and the pen stuck on his chest pocket. That's the microphone that will catch the sounds or their conversation only, that is supervised by Zo and Mr Kang who is in the car which brought Yibo here.

Zo whispers, "Yibo, be careful."

"Hello, Sir. I'm the vice president. Mr Eric visited us just a week ago. What brings you here today? " The vice president asks Yibo.

Yibo speaks inside his head, "If Eric came here last week. Then, He must be planning something."

"I need to check the papers," Yibo says in a farm tone, he doesn't shake his voice to asking something daring or it'll be a fail. But be straight with his question and strict. He doesn't bother to introduce. The person felt a little weird but says nothing.

Swing [Assassin's Brother Book II] [Zhanyi] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now