41. Leased Life

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That day, After Sean and K finished these spies, Sean informed Zo.

Zo: "If they were following you, then they were probably monitoring you from somewhere."

Sean: "I feel the same, but I didn't find anything like that here."

"It's ok. This work comes under our field." Zo explains this to Amy and Mr Kang.

With the help of Amy, they find the RV from where Eric's men were monitoring their moves and taking the action with the help of those small gadgets. Mr Park, Zo's husband has gone through all the devices to track Eric's place.
It's surprising that no one took it back or destroy the hints even when the guys are dead... Is it again because Eric is expecting them??

They all gather in a place to take the next step.
As soon as they manage to track Eric's location, they need to set out for War.
This is now or never. It's not just to rescue Yibo.
This is to Stop Eric & his deeds.

Sean needed some medical treatment after the brutal fighting. He was lying on a bed in the room.

Soma was sitting beside him, looking closely at his face.

When Sean caught that, he casts a smirk, "What?"

As their eyes meet, Soma feels embarrassed, he takes back his eyes, "Um, I was checking the wounds...um.."

"Ou, are you worried about me?" Sean says.

Soma nods slowly.

"Wait, is that mean, you had fallen for me?" Sean says.
His line makes Soma blush. He didn't actually fall for him, but he is indeed shocked, hearing Sean's direct question, he can't help it.

He takes aback and waves his two hands, "No, not that!"

Sean laughs hard, "Hahahaha! You are so easy." He says as he ruffles his curly hair with his fingers. Soma can't show his face. His touch was so gentle. He never got a big brother or he could compare this with.
He feels a little sad for himself or probably a little envious of Yibo.

"Umm, when is everybody going to where Yibo is?" Soma asks.

"Tomorrow." Sean's face is stiff as a rock now. "Ah boy, I'm losing my mind, But I can't let overboard my emotions to make me weak before I destroy Eric." Sean thinks as he cover his eyes with his arm. He has been hiding the whole tension until now. 

In a little distance, Mr Kang is working, Zo and Amy also sitting beside Sean's bed.
Soma feels they made a very nice family. Even though he is no one, he is quite welcomed.

"You didn't get hurt, are you?" K asks Soma.

"No, I'm fine. Don't you need any treatment, Noona?" Soma asks back.

"No. I didn't get any serious scratch."

"Thank you for guarding me." Soma bows.

"Huh! If you die there who will bring your body?" K says in reply, "And if we left you there, police may get some clue from you to catch us. That's why we protected you."

"A-...um.. whatever the reason, thank you," Soma says, scratching the back of his hair.

Max comes and slaps his back, "hahaha! These guys don't know how to show care. Don't think much."

Swing [Assassin's Brother Book II] [Zhanyi] [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora