45.The Unshaped Crystals Create Their Own Destiny

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The police take a moment to move. Then they run near the edge of the roof and what they found, really surprised them.

Miracle doesn't happen.
But it's not that one can't create a miracle.

As the high beam lights fall on them, the police notice Sean is holding a rope that is coming from the helicopter above them.
Why a police helicopter is helping them? Or probably they are not the police?

Sean's other hand gripping Yibo's waist, his other hand gripping a rope.
Good thing they are not normal.

The helicopter had already started moving far from the roof. The police then started to shoot bullets at Sean.

But their bullet did not touch Sean or Yibo, police are suddenly covered with smoke....
Of course, it was thrown from the very helicopter.

Not only the police, but it also surprised Yibo as well. As soon as Sean jumped, as a general reflex, Yibo grabbed Sean's neck tightly and closed his eyes. When his body didn't hit the ground, he found himself in a tight embrace with Sean, hanging in the middle air.

Yibo's face is beside Sean's. Sean whispers, "Did you think we are going to die?"

"You stupid. You tricked me again."

"You hate it? I'm grew some wings on my back to fly with you...."

"Sigh! It's really you," Yibo says as he grips the rope as well."How long are we going to hang like this?"

"Why so hurry? It's romantic." Sean says looking at the dark bluish sky over the dot-like lights of the quiet city. Yibo follows him, and replies, "Yes."

The helicopter came a little far. Zo shouts from the top, "Mind coming up?"

"A little later," Sean shouts back.

"Suit yourself." Zo backs inside.

"Are they going to be oky?" Mr Wu Mian asks.

"Of course," Zo says. She says rather proudly and drops herself on the seat.

There are Mr Wumian, Mr Kang, Zo and the pilot were inside while the stupid lovers are hanging down.

Zo says, "Granda, Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Don't need to thank me, girl. I owe you my everything. You did it. This old man is so happy. I'm sure my friend will feel very proud." Mr Wumian replies.

Zo and Mr Kang smile in reply.

"I'm glad we make it time. But you are in a rough stage, you should not hurry up like this and go to the hospital. And let your friend handle this."

"I'm fine, grandpa. I can't believe I've fainted." She grips Mr Kang's hand. He grips back. "Jun, you are so brave. Thank you for taking care of me. I was really afraid. I thought I'll lose you. I didn't imagine Eric will let you live. He hates me so much...."

Zo looks elsewhere, probably thinking about Eric's last conversation with her.

Mr Kang pats her hand assuring her not to think much.



5 years ago. Kang residence.
The day when Senior Kang died. (Mr Jun Kang's grandfather)
(Chapter 'Dance with death')

"I have something to talk to you about. May I?" Mr Wu Mian, Mr Kang's dearest friend until his death approached Zo.

"You want to talk to me?" Zo asked.

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