Chapter 5

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We came back the next day after assassinating Rouge Ninja. I noticed that Kakashi had written what he found out about that Feudal Lord in the report. Well, I would do that too but since he's in-charge of doing that report while I'm up to assassination, I let him be. It's a relief that he cared for the rouge nin. It's fine by me. 

However, that report is useless. Lord Hokage knew how powerful the Feudal Lords are. If only I could assassinate that shit in the shadow. I will. Just to give Juyo satisfaction even after his death. 

"Thank you for your hard work." The first thing I said to Kakashi after we came out of Hokage's office. He's facing my back since I wasn't looking at him. No, I couldn't afford to look at his eyes. 

It's too precious even if it's emotionless.

"It's nothing, captain." He uttered nonchalantly. Well, at least he responded. 

"Just Hanare. I'm not your captain, anymore." And there I walked away. 

Being in the same room with him suffocates me to its extent. The awkwardness that I'm feeling is eating me up. Geez, this time-travel thing is too pesky. Seeing those supposed-to-be-dead people, walking and passing in front of me - they're give me a shiver. Sighed. 

I walked in the streets after exiting the Hokage tower. I widened my senses to find the Uchiha boys and check what they're up to. The tension between the clan and the village lessened since yesterday was their treaty shit thing - I could care less about that. They're now adult and they knew what's the best for their people. 

I teleported near the Uchiha training ground and find Shisui and Itachi leaning their back on the ground to rest. It looks like they had just finished sparring so I decided to reveal my presence. Shisui's the first one to quickly notice my presence then Itachi. Both of them stood up the ground when they felt my familiar chakra signature. 

I walked outside the shadow and went towards them. 

I ruffled their hairs when I saw the success on their eyes. They've successfully prevented the war between their clan and the village. I'm proud of them. 

"I'm proud of you, two." I told them sincerely. I'm aware that we haven't gotten to know each other very well yet but the three of us shared a common goal to save our kin. I think that's enough for me. 

These two are just 11 and 14 year old brats thinking and worrying about the safety and the glory of their Clan. They didn't deserve the burden, they deserve to live their life to its fullest. 

They deserve to be happy. 

Then, Shisui and Itachi bowed their head on me and once again, I felt taunted. I shook my arms in the air, ashamed. "Y-you d-don't need to b-bow like that!" I said frustratingly. Both of them giggled on me as they saw me embarrassed in front of them. Geez, these two brats. "Hays, no need to thank me, okay? It's your desire to prevent bloodbath made me push things far." And there I smiled to them before walking towards the tree beside us so I could lean my back and rest. 

I'm a bit tired. 

"But why?" I didn't noticed that Shisui had teleported in front of me with Itachi on his hand. I sighed again before gesturing them to plop down in front of me so I could talk to them. "We're Uchiha and you're Suzuki-" I cut Shisui off. 

"I may not know you two well, but I care for the Uchiha's just like I care for the village itself." Clan relationship do really matters, huh? well, I couldn't blame them since Suzuki and Uchiha weren't in good terms in the past. "Besides...  I also hated Danzo. He's a sly fucking fox and a motherfucker-" Itachi cut my bad remarks about Danzo by clearing his throat so I sighed. "Anyway, I'm glad that the tension's lessening." 

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