Chapter 6

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Time flew so fast. This year was supposed to be the year that the Uchiha will be massacred but since we've prevented it, It didn't happened. Hiruzen relived Itachi on the ANBU and made him my subordinate as I am a Jonin Captain. Uchiha Shisui stayed in ANBU Black Ops, serving directly under Hiruzen while Kakashi... well he's Kakashi. 

Hiruzen relieved him from the ANBU and now he's making babysit those fresh genin but he failed his first ever supposed to be team. I don't know what he's planning but I'm aware of what he was looking for. Just like what Minato-sensei taught us, he's searching for his team's teamwork but his first genin team wasn't aware of the essence of 'Teamwork'. 

Well, that is his first step on becoming human again. Let him be. 

These past 3 years, I've been loving myself more. I focused on myself, healing and continuously loving it. Well, sometimes your very best soulmate was yourself. You have to be the love of your life until you discover that type of love for someone else. But as for me, mine's fixated on Kakashi even though... he just pushed me away. 

In all honesty, it's still bothering me. It pains me whenever I think about him. His name has become lovely but painful for me ever since that night. I have come to the conclusion that it's because this is my first ever heartbreak so I was hurt badly. 

Funny yet mournful. 

Ever since then, we didn't dared to talk with each other unless it's related to the mission. From being civil, we became nothing. We treated each other - a complete stranger but deep down I was hurting. 

I was sad the whole month and Kurenai noticed that. I couldn't hide it from her so I spilled some fact but didn't mentioned Kakashi. I don't want to tarnish his name because of my foolishness. I was so pathetic that time. I almost die when I was on a mission 3 years ago because I suddenly became preoccupied. Still thinking of our conversation. 

I was beyond depressed but I managed. I'm now healthy, both mentally and emotionally. 

But nothing changed. My feelings didn't change. I just didn't let him to know. I concealed every feelings I have for him and I have no intention of spilling it. I don't want to experience that pain anymore. That agony that made me question my existence, I don't want to suffer anymore. 

"You seems busy, Hanare-san." A sudden voice from my side snatched my attention out of my deep thoughts. "Shisui and I were planning to have some dinner." Oh, so Shisui's back from his mission. 

I sighed before ruffling his soft hair. He and Shisui grew up into a responsible and sensible men. Their Clan's hatred was nowhere to feel and their relationship with the civilians were now okay since Danzo's out to torment the Uchiha's and defile their names. It went so smooth. 

Uchiha boy and Uzumaki boy are now 9 or 8 since Uzumaki boy is younger than Itachi's little brother. Itachi's now 13 while Shisui's now 14, both in a relationship. Yep, Itachi's with Izumi now while Shisui's with someone from the Inuzuka. I kind of forgotten her name but he's Inuzuka Kiba's cousin. 

"I think I'll come since you two are going to treat me right?" There I showed him my shit eating grin and he just stoically looked at me as if I'm the worst ninja he could ever met. Gooddamn, that's why I hate prodigies! Nothing's changed! "You know, you don't have to look at me like that, right?" I asked wearily. I almost pouted when he hardened his gaze on me. 

"Let's go now. Shisui's waiting. We have some company." And there I paused, bewildered. 

"H-hey! Don't tell me you're with your girlfriends?! I'll look like a chaperon!" I crossed my arms on my chest as I stepped on the ground continuously. I'm 21 and definitely older than them but... huhu I'm single and awkward! 

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