Chapter 13

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I mourned over Zabuza and his kit's death. Who would've thought that their fight will be labelled as A-class, according to Kakashi's report. The result of the fight was Sasuke's  Sharingan Awakening and I know, Itachi will be mad about this. Sasuke had thought that Naruto had died in front of him so he awakened his eyes, Naruto awakened Kurama's chakra inside him while Kakashi and I decided to bury their remains above the hill. 

This mission is full of awakening, really. 

"Admit yourselves in the hospital." I told Naruto and Sasuke when we finally reached the huge gate of the Leaf. They were both reluctant at first but agreed eventually when I darkened my eyes. 

I sighed. I feel so tired even though this is just an A-rank mission. I would gladly prefer to receive S-class mission after we reported, I need to clear my thoughts. Zabuza's death has been bugging me ever since we accomplished the mission. 

I wonder if the news of Zabuza being dead has reached Kisame? He and Zabuza are the closest in the group while Juzo and I. 

I felt a pair of soft bare lips on my forehead, and it's calming from Kakashi. He must have felt the disturbance inside my mind and decided to place a kiss on my forehead hoping to ease it. I felt bad for making him worry so I avoided his worried eyes. He shouldn't be worrying over me because I can manage. 

"Move in with me." 

I blew up a steam when I heard those words from him. Those words defeated those 8 Letters and it's overwhelming me. How could he say that casually! 

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I asked him, furrowing my brows before continuing to walk towards the Hokage tower. Sakura decided to join the two in the hospital so he and I are alone. "You shouldn't be talking as if it's simple, Kakashi." I told him but when I felt that he stopped walking, I stopped on my tracks to turn around to face him. 

My eyes widened in realization when I saw his determined eyes. He wasn't joking nor just pulling a joke. I sighed before walking towards to him and grab his wrist to force him walk beside me. 

"I... I'll think about it." I'm surprised, really. Kakashi wasn't like this before. He wouldn't care for someone and let them live with him or what so ever. But what is this? I'm confused. "You said last time that we should take things slowly, right? So be it." I uttered calmly but he just growled beside me and shifted my grip on his wrist and to intertwine our fingers on his hands. 

"It's not like that, I'm just worried. I wouldn't mind waking up seeing you beside me." A slight blush showed up on my cheeks so I looked down a bit to hide it from him. I almost break the fuse inside me because of this... what do you call this? Sweetness, was it? "Besides, It'll lessen my worry." He added.

I sighed. "Kakashi, you and I are ninjas. There will always be a uncertainty between our lives. It's not that we can do something about this, we both knew how much we love our job." I said worriedly. 

"I know, that's why I asked you to move in with me." I sighed in defeat. He wouldn't let this conversation down until I agreed so I nodded and there I found him wearing a very smug yet proud look in his victory of persuading me to live with him. 

I just gave him a small genuine smile before pulling him along to enter the Hokage tower.

"I see, so it turns out to be an A-class mission." Hiruzen mumbled as he read the report that Kakashi and I written. Lord Third sighed in relief that our team was fine and didn't acquired any injuries after the fight with Zabuza. 

Lord third and Kakashi seems to notice that I'm tired so he shortened his commands regarding to my patrol shift near the Fire Country's boundary. 

I nodded in acceptance of his orders before walking outside his office with Kakashi. 

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