Chapter 18

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"The village is under attack!" Said someone from the defense unit.

'So, this is it, huh?' I thought at the back of my head as I placed my sword underneath my haori to keep it hidden. I summoned my birds to dispatch a message to Shisui and Itachi saying I'll be fine and they don't have to come to check up on me since I can handle myself. While Kakashi... he'll be fine. I also sent a message for him to not to worry anymore.

I can handle myself, for now. I guess.

I felt the need to help the Lord Third to secure the safety of the other villagers and village's guest. And even thought this dumb mission might put me and my baby to danger, I can't risk to have my village destroyed before my eyes.

"Captain!" Said Tenzo and behind him, the former ANBU's who was placed under my command before. "We need your orders." He said, since the ANBU commander and Jonin commander are both out of the picture as of now, busy dealing with the intruders, they found me instead.

"Secure the villagers safety first before you guys engage yourselves into a battle." I told them with authority.

"Understood" And in a one sweep of a wind, they'd disappeared before I could even blink my eye.

Even though I'm feeling dizzy and nauseous, I kept my calm demeanor just in case I've been spotted by the enemy or worst, ambushed.

I jumped from roof to roof, faster as I could and when I reached the Arena, I teleported in front of the barrier that the sound shinobi's just activated to corner the Hokage.

"Details." I told the ANBU's who's watching outside the barrier because they couldn't do anything to break the damn purple barrier. I gave them a glare when I felt them reluctant to give me the details. They should know that this isn't the time for them to judge my judgement.

"Orochimaru summoned Lord First and Lord Second." I see, so it already happened. Then, I can't do anything now, aren't I?

"All we can do is to lessen the damage, check up the villagers around the arena and secure our village's safety." I gave them command and they immediately disappeared to fulfill it.

I sighed as I watched Lord third summoned a Shinigami to seal Lord first and Lord second's soul and now that he's up to seal Orochimaru, I felt a presence at my back and it was from Shisui.

"You should retreat now, Hanare-neesan. It's bad for your health." Worry was evident on his voice as he uttered those warning in front of me but I didn't budge nor intended to fall back with him.

"Where's Itachi?" I asked the younger's location. I bit my thumb to bleed to summon another bird to scout around the arena. I widened my senses to check if there's still a civilian around. "You should not worry yourself to me, Shisui. You know that I can handle myself. Besides, we need to secure the village's safety."

"Even if you're putting yourself and your baby in danger?" said Shisui which caught me off guard a bit but then regained my composure to look at him firmly.

"Trust me, just trust me."

All I need is to secure their safety. But is this the right thing to do? What if something happened between me and my baby? God, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Aside from the fact that I've been hiding this information to Kakashi, I'm putting our lives in danger.

I disappeared on his eyesight before he could response on my statement. I have no time to wiggle around so I teleported near the main gate and started giving orders to the ANBU Black Ops and other Jonin.

'Where's that Kabuto boy?' I thought at the back of my mind.

I had this plan to kill that little boy since he's an important and crucial person back then. He just summoned those powerful ninjas to help them fight in 4th great ninja war so I'm taking precaution.

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