Chapter 17

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Shisui bolted out of his seat and went towards me with Itachi's collar on his hands. He just dragged the poor soul towards me, how painful. 

"Are you saying that... YOU'RE PREGNANT?!!" He burst out. Just like him, Itachi's also surprised but stayed in his usual calm demeanor. "Itachi, let's kill that certain Hatake!" But before he could use his body flicker, I restrained him using my chains. 

"Calm down, Shisui. He's still the father of her child." Itachi convinced him to stay down and just listen. 

I just found found out that I'm almost a month pregnant. After our diplomat mission yesterday, I decided to take myself to the hospital to find out what's behind my morning sickness and sudden instability of my moods. And there I found out that I'm pregnant. 

It kind of scares me to death when the doctor just confirmed my hunches. 

"Does he know?" Shisui asked when he finally calmed down but he just received a 'no' from me. 

A moment of silence emerges around us. They knew how much it scares me but they also knew how much I love to have a child. Especially from Kakashi. 

"You're going to be a great mom, nee-san. I can feel it." Itachi backed Shisui's statement up with a nod. 

But that didn't made me feel okay. 

"I know you're doubting yourself, Nee-san. We know you. But you're the most kindest soul I've ever met and I will never trade you for anything. Both Shisui and I accepted you as who you are and I know that Kakashi-san will accept you too." But it's not that easy. 

"We're here for you, nee-san. Itachi and I are here for you. And even though that certain silvered haired man wouldn't accept you, we're here for you and for your child." 

I'm so lucky to have these two, aren't I? They knew exactly how I works. 

"I'm sorry... pregnancy hormones. I get easily cry now." But the two prodigies didn't mind and just let me cry out every burden that I'm feeling. It's a luck that the team 7 are out for a mission, I couldn't find the courage to tell Kakashi about this, for now. 

"Are you going to quit being a ninja? You probably know that Kakashi-san wouldn't let you  to stay in the job until you're not pregnant anymore." Itachi asked. He knows what I'm thinking. 

I'm hiding this pregnancy for Kakashi until I can. Until the Chunnin exams end. 

I need to defend my village, our village from Orochimaru to lessen the damage. Only I, can do this because no one knew the future beside me. 

"I do not advice you to hide your pregnancy from Kakashi-san. You'll be in trouble, nee-san. Besides, it could put you in danger!" I know where's Shisui's concerns are coming from but they couldn't blame. 

They knew that I wouldn't drop my hitai-ate just because I'm pregnant and of course, I'll take up my safety measures from now on. 

"Shisui... please, I know this is hard for you as well since my life will be in danger but you know that I wouldn't." Knowing that if a words gets out and Shikaku heard it, he'll stop giving me a mission for a meantime which sucks. And I'll probably rot in hell if I didn't do something about our village defense. 

Kakashi on the other hand, well, I'll be damned if he finds out. He would lash out on me for choosing not to lay low a bit. 

Let's leave the future problem to the future me. I'm sure my future me can handle it. 

"Who's in your unit now?" Itachi asked. He's referring to my current unit as I am tasked to monitor our village defense. 

"Raido and Aoba, why?" I asked. 

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