Chapter 25

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Itachi and Shisui couldn't figure what to do or what to say after hearing that I found Uchiha Obito alive. 

"So, you're alive after all? And couldn't come back because of your lost memories that just came back?" I had Obito to change his outfit into something civilian commoner so we could avoid future disasters. We can't just reveal his skills for now since it'll cause ruckus and eventually will become an eyesore. 

"Y-Yeah. I-I have no recollection of anything after the Third Great Ninja War." Wow, I was amazed by his acting skills. If Kagura can clap her hands now, I would love to make her clap her hands for her Godfather's acting.  "Although my previous memories when I'm still 11 returned."

No matter how good Shisui and Itachi are, Obito is the master of schemes. They just got tricked before my eyes and I couldn't help but to stare in awe. My poor students got tricked by this damn soul, pity. 

"I see, then we'll be escorting you to the T&I department." As expected from our Itachi boy. 

"Wait Tachi, let's sleep over in Hanare-neesan's house later! I want to play with Kagura!" Shisui blurted out while Itachi just facepalmed on him although I know that he also wanted to play with Kagura. Shisui snaked his arms around my waist to pester me - I mean, ask me if they could sleep over so I sighed. 

"Just tell your parents, okay? And please do report that I found my child." I told them firmly and they nodded. It's good that they understand that I'm still mad. 

"Are you going to tell Kakashi-san about this?" I stopped for a moment to think. 

Of course, I do know his rights. He's still the father of Kagura no matter what happened. I know he's been blaming himself after that incident because of this dipshit beside me. I throw a dagger glare on Obito and saw him flinched. 

"Yes, so, if you saw him, please do tell him as well." But I don't think it won't be awkward and suffocating when we meet again. We've been avoiding each others since then and it hurts seeing our relationship grumble. 

Let's slide this thought for now. Besides, it doesn't matter if we stay together or not. At the end of the day he...

"Send Obito-san to Inoichi-sama now." I almost gestured a puke when I used honorifics to Obito. "He needs to be cleared-up first. Go now, and don't forget to notify your parents if you're going to sleep over." I reminded them and they nodded. 

"How about Obito-san? Where is he going to stay?" Oh, that haunts me. Where is he going to stay? His house in the Uchiha compound is already crushed because of Kurama and it's inappropriate to let him stay in the house just because. 

"I'll lend him a money so he could buy an apartment or just rent or whatever." But I glared on Obito to give him a look meaning 'Pay me back with your Goddamn money because you're just as rich as me'. 

Obito placed his hands on his chest which made me annoyed. He acted like a man who's glad for the very first time in his life. Oh Good God, please guide me. I'm enough with Shisui and Itachi's tactics and now that Obito's here. 

I massage my temples to prolong my patience. If not, I might send Obito flying from Monday to Sunday. 

"T-Thank you s-s- much, H-Hanare-san." UGH! I feel nausea, how dare he act like this! 

"G-Go now Itachi." Before I couldn't hold myself anymore. They turned their backs on me to walk away but then, Obito looked back to give me his shit-eating grin and I got annoyed but stopped when I heard a small giggles from Kagura. 

She must have felt my annoyance, huh? Definitely like Kakashi's ability to sense emotion. 

I teleported inside my house to clean up Kagura's undies. After that, I put her in sleep before putting her down the bed beside me. 

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